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Talking Of Impossible Things

Posted on Fri Jan 18th, 2019 @ 5:13pm by Christopher Byrne & Captain Rueben Gregnol

Mission: Mission 8 - Shattered
Location: ISS Gaman
Timeline: MD 02 22:00
894 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Alexis had let the man eat in silence as she just stared at him. He had intrigued her from the interrogation the previous day and it must have intrigued the Admirals daughter as well if she was helping him. Alexis sipped on the water she had whilst glancing between the Doctor in front of her and the bodyguard not far from her. "You are lucky to be out of here. None of your colleagues have been allowed such freedoms," Alexis finally said.

Placing his piece of bread back onto his tray, Chris suddenly lost his appetite. In his desperation for a shower and food, he had nearly forgotten about his shipmates. The best lies often held bits of the truth, he debated telling her that he had only just met them, they meant nothing. However, she was an empath, that wouldn't take him far. "H-how are they?" he asked, ashamed to look up.

"Some better than others." The woman answered smiling a little. This man was a lot more honest that she had been led to believe the crew were. She was starting to get the impression that they were good people on the fringes of their world. "I am glad you didn't lie then."

"There would be no point in lying," Chris pointed out. "Why exactly are we here?" he asked. Knowing he was in no position to make demands or even ask questions, it was something that he had never understood. "The last thing I remember was being on the Mary Rose about to get go to my quarters, then waking up to you asking me questions."

Alexis nodded at him, she would much rather have a cooperative person than someone she had to break mentally, it only exhausted them both. "You were brought here because we had operative onboard your ship but they were unable to locate what we needed to end this war."

"War?" Chris asked. "The last war ended two decades ago, the Dominion hasn't been a threat since we signed the treaty," he pointed out. Realizing something, he stated, "You mean your war? I forget this isn't my universe."

"Dominion?" Alexis wondered softly as she looked at him confused. "We aren't at war with the Dominion. We are at war with the Cardassians have been for nearly one hundred and fifty years. Generation after generation." Alexis commented on sparing a look at her Bodyguard who gave her a pointed look.

"Alexis..." Jenkins said in a low warning voice. The young woman was too headstrong, too stubborn, whatever Harrington saw in her to bring her into this he didn't know.

"We've had our own problems with the Cardassians, my own brother fought against them" Chris nodded. "Things are different now, improving," he added, not giving as much information after Jenkins spoke up.

"Your world is different? Not raged and destroyed by war?" Alexis asked trying to ignore the noises that came from Jenkins. He wasn't impressed at all, she was risking her life by doing it. She might be Betazoid but she wasn't immune to pain.

"We have our battle scars," Chris was sure to point out. "Our own Federation is made up of many worlds, including Earth, Vulcan, Andor, Bajor, Betazed, and countless others. In fact, families are encouraged on some starship types." He didn't want to give up too much, who knew what these people were actually capable of doing?

The woman stayed quiet whilst Jenkin just glared at the man. "You are talking about impossible things." The man finally said as Alexis looked ready to say something sentimental or just downright stupid that would get her put in an agony booth.

"Maybe here," Chris acknowledged. "There are records of various alternate universes where certain events happen much differently than either of ours," he added. The doctor had no idea why he was still trying to reach either of these two other than the curiosity of actually talking to people from a different reality. Part of him wondered if they had counterparts in his own universe.

"You don't have a counterpart," Alexis said revealing she was deep in his mind still. "Or at least we haven't found one anywhere. Some of your crew are old? We have their birthday many years ago?" She finally asked another question that was needing answering.

"That is true," Chris nodded. "Apparently, the ship underwent some sort of attack or malfunction almost two centuries ago. The crew used the transporter to store themselves in some kind of stasis. I'm no engineer so I can't give you specifics."

"Alexis." The Security guard warned as the door opened and someone came in to relieve the woman from her babysitting duties.

"I will be seeing you again Doctor." Alexis said as she stood. She leant over the table and touched his hand before smiling at something.

Chris showed no outward reaction. However even the most basic Betazoid would have been able to get a sense of the relief and maybe a sprinkle of hope that the touch gave him. He did not know who would be taking over, and it was more likely someone less friendly. Instead of a reply, the doctor gave a nod and watched as Alexis' replacement made their way into the room.


Alexis Agrax
ISS Gaman
(PNPC Gregnol)

Dr. Christopher Byrne
SS Mary Rose


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