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Lost and Away

Posted on Thu Jun 13th, 2019 @ 9:17pm by Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers & Commander Adamya Ryon

Mission: Cosmos
Location: Ryon’s Shuttle en route to Starbase 114/USS Rhea
Timeline: Prior to "Test Of Time"
727 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Subspace communication always brought a bit of dread, especially when contacting his former ship. Ryon’s eyes never left the Starfleet logo on the screen. What would he say to Karis? He had not seen her since he had left the Rhea to embark on that mission that had taken everything from him.

Karis practically dived for the monitor, half dressed, her hair piled on top of her head from the bath. "What's wrong?" She said as soon as she saw his face. Thought they were separated by a great distance, she'd had a feeling of dread following her around all afternoon. She was so glad he appeared to be in one piece though.

"You haven't heard?" Ryon asked, almost shocked. FNN had been carrying his story almost around the clock over the last couple of days. A Commodore was not demoted and stripped of their ship every day. He rubbed his chin, the few day old stubble scratched his fingers a little.

"Heard what? I've had my head in a gaseous nebula experiment for the past few days. I haven't heard anything." Now that she thought of it people had been giving her funny looks, but she was used to those and hadn't been sure if they were any different from the normal ones.

No one had told her anything, Ryon took in a long breath before releasing it. He realized that he was about to drop a photon torpedo on her, and it was one of the worst feelings he could imagine. "I... won't be returning to the Rhea. The mission didn't go as planned." Avoiding looking into the screen, he added, "Admiral Harrington stripped me of rank and command in the hanger and sent me to base on a shuttle."

Karis covered her mouth with her hands even though no sound came out. It was like a wave had hit her, his emotions, her own. She sucked in a breath and forced her body into a calm she didn't feel. She wished he hadn't turned away. He never needed to worry that somehow she would think less of him. Karis didn't know what had happened exactly, but whatever it was she knew Ryon didn't deserve it. "Ryon, I'm so sorry. Where are you headed right now?"

Looking back to the screen, his emotion was clear. "I do not know for sure what is next. Captain Ehestri has offered me a spot, but Starfleet is dragging their feet with the approval process." Running his hand over his mouth and stubble in a frustrated gesture, he added, "Until then I'm headed to Starbase 114 for debriefing and processing." Not wanting the conversation to linger on him, he asked, "I know I have dropped a lot on you, but are you okay?"

"Yeah . . . I just wish I were with you. I'll figure out something, I have some leave coming. I'll be there as soon as I can. It will be all right, I know it's a huge change. We'll get through this." Karis sighed slightly but she gave him a small smile.

Returning the small smile, Ryon tried to be as hopeful as Karis. Curious as to his former crew's well-being, he asked, "Can you tell me anything about the Rhea's heading?" He was probably asking too much but he hoped beyond hope that Starfleet would let the ship keep flying.

"I don't know," Karis gave him an apologetic look. "But I'll find out and get back to you." She wasn't sure what else to say. it was an awkward situation but she had faith they'd be together soon enough. "In the meantime do you need anything? Something from your quarters?"

"I have everything I need," Ryon nodded reassuringly. In truth, any material thing could be replaced and really held little meaning. Most of his things had been brought to his shuttle before he left. It was the immaterial things that he would miss most. However there was nothing that could be done about that.

"Okay," Karis said with a decisive nod. She had a few small things she wanted to pack up. She put her hand up against the screen. "Be careful, I'll be there as soon as I can."

Ryon returned the gesture. "Stay safe out there," he requested.

Commander Adamya Ryon
Chief of Strategic Operations
USS Cosmos

Lieutenant JG Karis
Science Officer
USS Rhea


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