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Shrinking Feeling

Posted on Sun Jul 28th, 2019 @ 8:32pm by Dodian Carli & Executive Officer Jake Ford

Mission: Mission 9 - Daucina
Location: Rosie: Mess Hall
Timeline: MD-09
2415 words - 4.8 OF Standard Post Measure

It had taken Jake about 12 of his first 24 hours on the Mary Rose to annoy half the existing security team as well as several members of operations, engineering...the list was growing.

It wasn't that the existing crew were bad at their jobs, by any means. Just that they had a way of doing things that Jake didn't necessarily agree with. And although he was their big friendly bear, he was also the big friendly bear supposedly in charge of keeping things safe and secure on board. So changes were needed. But also a rest.

He sunk into a free seat in the Rosie's mess hall and took a long gulp of coffee. It wasn't the worst blend ever. If they could brew an all-right beverage, the ship might be in safe hands after all. He was starting to let his eyes close and drift when a shadow crossed over the light in front of him, stirring him out of the moment's respite as soon as it had arrived.

Her replicator was on the fritz, again. It had been happening more frequently and she had put in a repair request that had not yet been actioned and she was dying for a coffee to keep her going throughout her routine. As a result of her faulty replicator she had been visiting the mess hall at times where she knew it would be empty, or when there was a few people in it. It's not that she avoided people, that would be ironic given her profession, but just that she liked her own company and she trusted it.

Dodian entered the mess hall and it was empty bar one individual. A solitary figure of a man with eyes closed and a coffee cup on the table. He must have not been here long as steam still rose from the cup itself but he looked as if he was resting. Now she knew every crewmember based on crew files but this one was a mystery.

'He must be new.' she thought as she approached the replicator and pressed the panel. He was handsome in a Human kind of way... "One cup of coffee, Dodian_Blend1." she said as the machine energised her request. She had her own blend from El Auria, native spices and beans that she'd remembered the genetic make up of just in case her travels took her places she couldn't get them. Little did she know the destruction of her world would be that causal effect.

She sipped her coffee and looked at the man once more. She saw his nose twitching as the aroma of her coffee filled the room, it was much stronger than the weaker Human blends that she had tasted before. Taking a PADD from her pocket she sat down with her coffee a few tables away from the man, not out of rudeness, it was just her way. If people knew her past they would know why, and even then it was only in her crew files accessible by the Captain, XO and Security Chief.

Jake opened half an eye and peered over as the young-looking woman passed him by and sat down. He caught her looking, if only for a few moments. The main thing that caught his senses, however, was the smell of her drink. Coffee, yes. But not a blend he recognised. Curious, he rose from his seat and slid over.

"Couldn't help myself." He motioned towards the mug. "I'd consider myself an expert on two subjects: Pareses Squares and coffee. And while I could give you the play-by-play for the 2276 Federation playoffs...I can't tell you what's in that cup," he explained, a slight smile curling up his lips. "Help me out?"

"Clearly." Dodian said as she placed her PADD down gently. "Do you usually just throw yourself into conversation with strangers, Mister?" she asked playing it defensively for the moment. She was not scared of him, just a little on edge by his sudden burst onto her scene. She may even tell him the coffee recipe if she approves of him.

"Ford. Jake Ford. Sorry, I'm a little new around here. You travel as much as I have, you start to get comfortable just making polite conversation," he explained amiably. "I don't think I caught your name, miss...?"

"Carli. Dodian Carli, and that makes two of us. I've only just joined this ship as well but I don't remember your name being on the pre-launch manifest." She said taking a sip of her coffee. He was a little over-confident, sure of himself and his ability to talk to others. He looked like he could take care of himself and by his size he looked more a security man than engineer. Although, she had been wrong in the past. "Not a coffee merchant are you?" She asked knowing the answer.

"Now that would be a hell of a job!" Jake chuckled. "No, I'm just a connoisseur. My actual job around here is chief armoury officer. I guess I wouldn't be on your manifest as I only came on board yesterday. Met the captain for the first time the day before that. I'll be honest, in all the rush I barely got a chance to look at the manifest, so I have no idea if I'm talking to an engineer, a scientist or a straight-up mess hall barista..."

"I thought as much, you have the build of someone who would work in that field." Dodian replied as the man kept talking. "Well I'm not a barista, although my coffee is amazing." She said once he'd finished, "But Mr Ford, what do you think I do?" She asked leaning in, her relaxed demeanour and soft features looking at him inviting an answer.

"Huh. Way to put me on the spot." He leaned back, making a show of sizing her up. "Well, you're definitely not a security-type - I'd already know about that. And you're pretty clean, so I doubt you're an engineer..." He tapped his chin. "If I had to guess I'd say something in the sciences? Maybe..." He snapped his fingers, coming to a conclusion. "Botany. You know how to grow special coffee plants! That explains the great blend." He folded his arms triumphantly, expecting a positive answer.

Dodian stood up and walked over to the replicator. She ordered the blend of coffee she was drinking and placed it down in front of Jake. "I'm not a space florist, no. I'm a psychologist." She said taking a sip and watching the mans reaction. They always went three ways, one being they take a step back and suddenly become a lot less chatty, or they lean in and begin with their life story; all that ails them. The third was really just a 'i find that fascinating' and 'have you met any psycho's' thoughts.

"Huh." Jake leaned back in his chair. He was half-right. Sciences...medical...not a huge jump. Okay, maybe he was wildly off the mark after all. She didn't seem like she was analysing him, but then again, he hadn't exactly been looking for it. "I dated a psychologist once," he noted. "Yeah. We went on a skiing holiday with some of her friends. I tell you what, though - I've never seen so many Freudians slip." His smile widened somewhat, waiting to see her reaction.

She attempted to keep a straight face, but she let out a little stifled laugh. It was unusual for anyone to make her laugh but the man in front of her had succeeded where many had failed. It was a funny joke... but part of her wasn't sure if it was what he said or the cheesy grin he pulled after it. Maybe a mixture of both.

"Well you know what they say... after one Freudian slip, its just one after a mother." Dodian said taking a drink and her face trying to return to a neutral setting. She wasnt by any means analysing him, she didn't need too.

He chuckled at her riposte, letting himself relax again. Taking her freshly-replicated brew he took a sip. It was as good as it smelled. He'd have to make a copy of the recipe.

"So, a psychologist on a civilian starship. You don't strike me as a passenger, so Captain Gregnol brought you on board as crew, right? Is he worried about folks' wellbeing?" he inquired. "'Cause if there is, you should let the armoury officer know. For safety reasons."

"He did." Dodian replied as the man again continued to talk, he really did like the sound of his own voice. "Apparently their last mission has had an effect on them and I was asked for my expertise." she began. "As for your 'safety reasons', I would not divulge any information given to me by those who speak to me. There is always worries for peoples welbeing. If anyone says to you they are totally ok then they are lying to you." she said sipping her coffee once more, her eyes not leaving the mans attention.

"Fair enough, I guess. Sounds like we're both the sort of people who take their jobs seriously." He paused. "So, doc - you mind if I call you doc? - what's your first impression of me, then? Do I seem like the sort of person who needs his wellbeing worrying about?"

"Sorry, I dont mean to come across as stickler for rules and such but Doctor/Patient privilege is important. Without it, without that security, people dont open up as much." She didn't want him thinking she was a joyless workaholic with no heart. She cared for things... even if she wasnt sure what they were yet

"Doc is fine if that's what you're comfortable with." Dodian said entering counselling mode without thinking. "From talking with you for all of 10 minutes I'd say you are not someone I'd worry about. You are confident, sure of yourself and your ability to engage with people. I'm sure your appearance helps this as most people would find you appealing. You carry yourself like someone who is always at ease but still ready for something to happen. If I was to prescribe you anything it would be my coffee, I don't know how Humans can drink their versions of it." She wondered if he would notice that comment, it would confuse most. Even though she looked Human her El Aurian heritage contradicted such.

He almost jumped on the 'appealing' comment, but was instead drawn to her reference to his humanity. "You're not human, then? Sorry, I think I just assumed..." Jake frowned, not entirely sure of the best way to react. "Do you mind if I ask?"

"No, I dont mind at all. I'm El Aurian." Dodian replied with a little smile.

"Wow," Jake's eyebrows went up. He would never have clocked it, particularly from just a few minutes of conversation. "You look a lot younger than I expected an El Aurian to look - not that I think all of your people are really old-looking." He frowned. That hadn't come out right. "What I mean to say is that at first glance you look good for someone who could be about five-or-six times my age."

Dodian laughed a little as he backtracked. "To be honest I'm only 125, for my species I'm still in adolescence. I get mistaken for a Human teenager a lot , or not taken seriously as a Doctor. A little pitfall of being a long lived species. Thank you though, you know... for saying I look good." Usually compliments of such were filled with ulterior motives, her background always made her suspicious of that but this felt a genuine conversation so she was more at ease.

"Uh. You're welcome." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Only 125," he repeated with a little shake of his head. He wasn't far off on the age difference. Weird. "I don't think that's the sort of thing I could get used to, either..." He took a breath. "But hey, I could give it a shot. After all, you make damn good coffee."

She wasnt quite sure what he meant by something he could get used too. All her experience and she still at times struggled at picking up social cues. "Well stay in my good books and I might just give you the recipe. I cant have you suffering on Human blends... I am a doctor after all."

"Mmm." He nodded, halfway through a sip. "This definitely comes under the category of medical requirements, doc. Might need it on prescription."

"I think I can arrange that." she said with a wink. "Although we cant have everyone knowing about it, otherwise Human coffee will go out of existence and people will be knocking down my door for it, instead of real reasons to come to me."

He grinned back. "Oh this can definitely be our little secret." He wasn't about to let some cargo-hauler monkey get their hands on this blend. "Though I'm sure there are plenty more reasons to see you besides coffee, of course."

"We will have to see if that's true." she said looking briefly off into space. "Only just on board and you're the first person I've spoken to outside of the office so."

Jake gazed at her sympathetically for a moment. Not everyone had the luxury of growing up on the move, constantly traveling to new places and not being settle for long. He thought she, of all people, might understand that a little better than most.

"The first of many," he nodded. "Besides, if nobody talks to the ship's counselor, who are they talking to?"

"That Mr. Ford is a mystery." she said raising her eyebrows and looking away as if she didnt truly know the answer. Taking a sip she looked back at him, then her watch, an El Aurian timepiece that had glyphs of her people on them, and realised she had an appointment coming up. "Well I'm afraid I do have someone that needs me. It has truly been a pleasure." she said standing up and giving the man a small nod.

He lifted the mug in salute.

"More than you know, doc. I look forward to discussing the finer points of coffee with you again soon," Jake smiled as she made her exit.

Jake Ford
Chief Armoury Officer
SS Mary Rose


Dodian Carli M.D. Psy.D
SS Mary Rose


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