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A Little Shuttle Has A Story To Tell Part 1

Posted on Sat Feb 1st, 2020 @ 2:02am by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Executive Officer Valiyi Uhin & Chief Operations Kendra McIntyre & Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: Type 11 Shuttle, En Route to Yeager
Timeline: Concurrent with Rosie Discovering Yeager
1107 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

After checking the condition of the phaser rifles in the weapon locker, Atyss Th'thialan looked to his fellow operatives. The mission was simple, board an abandoned ship, make a few minor repairs to make the ship warp worthy, and deliver it to the Sons of Cheron HQ. Even though the starship had been abandoned for decades, the Andorian's Starfleet experience told him that just because something has been abandoned did not mean that it was abandoned.

Taking his seat in the cockpit, Atyss looked toward the leader of the group. "I want to make sure we are all in agreement for the plan. Can you walk us through it before we get to the Temperance?"

Brought out of her thoughts by a voice addressing her, though not directly, Ona glanced in his direction. "It's very simple. We break up into two teams. One team heads for engineering to get the warp core up and running if at all possible as it will take much longer than expected to fly the ship back to base on impulse. The other team for the bridge to assess damage in other areas of the ship and if necessary we send people out to repair those. We're doing only what needs to be done to secure the ship for us and to get it moving. And if anyone gets in our way, we take care of them. Anyone have any questions on that?"

Shaking his head in the negative, the Andorian responded, "I will go to the Bridge. I can get a better tactical assessment of the ship's systems up there, maybe power up a phaser or photon torpedo if we absolutely need it." He looked to the other two and asked, "Are you clear and where you need to go?"

"I can break into the systems on the Bridge," came a reply from the red-headed Trill seated toward the back. "No questions needed there either. I've served on an Intrepid that had higher updates. I can't imagine we're gonna have any issues with a Yeager class."

"A Yeager class will be no issue. It's a patchwork class." The half Vulcan Engineer murmured, it was almost comical that they had been sent after it. "We just need to hope it has some fuel after floating around for so long. Do we know why it was abandoned?" He added not having even looked at the information.

"Not critical to the mission at hand so I didn't ask," Ona replied. "It's there, it's an opportunity waiting for us and we're going to take advantage of it because if we don't then things get a lot more difficult for us and I do hate difficulties in a mission."

"Don't ask, Don't tell should be their motto," Zaza muttered with a roll of his eyes. He wasn't normally so bitter or annoyed but he had been on edge recently with all the changes.

“It was a ship of war,” Atyss responded. Shaking his head in shame, he added, “After the war Starfleet decided that it wasn’t a military organization. All ships of war were mothballed or stripped of parts.” This is why he joined the armed side of the Sons of Cheron. Starfleet must be made to see the importance of keeping a strong military presence. What if the Borg or the Breen decided to attack? How far would they get?

"Means it's ours for the taking." Ona leaned back in her chair. She hated this part, the waiting. She wanted it done and then she could relax.

"And boy did they strip the ships. That thing could have easily been used on any number of ships." The Engineer was impressed with the Frankinstine ship, to say the least, it was his favourite kind of jigsaw.

Smiling with pride, Atyss the Andorian replied, "It may not have set any speed records and it may have broken down all the time, but in battle she would carry the day." He had been a lowly Ensign during the war and had a chance to serve on one like it.

"We can streamline this one to break down less too." The young Trill woman pointed out. She seemed more preoccupied with her screen than the conversation going on around her. "Most of what they had was cobbled together quick because of the war. We have enough time to fix 'er up before we put her through any real trouble."

"That would be excellent." Ona stretched her aching shoulder. She knew she wouldn't relax until the job was finished. She glanced around at the others. A dedicated crew worthy of the task, she really hoped they had nothing to contend with but she was confident that if they did, it would be taken care of. After all, everyone here believed in the cause.

"I would rather not rush it either with how cool it has been. Do the job right the first time instead of over and over." Zaza commented on hinting to them that he had seen that happen far too many times and hated it. If they had the time why rush the job.

"We only have the four of us," Atyss pointed out. "There is only so much we can do until we can dock it at a friendly station for our people to bring it up to standard," the Andorian did not say that Starfleet certainly would not take kindly to a starship being stolen. The quicker they could get to warp, the less of a chance problems would pop up for them.

Zaza looked at the woman. He knew that there were on four of them and not all of them were Engineers either so a lot more was laid at his feet than they realized. "I am fully aware of who is with me. We have together for weeks." The man reminded.

"We'll do what we can," Ona said, ending the argument before it started. "We have to make due with what we have. The four of us have plenty of skills to get the Yeager up and running. We're going to work together and succeed." She raised an eyebrow as if daring someone to argue with her about it.

"Agreed," Atyss nodded. As the tactical officer, his job would be to mostly look out for anything that should not be around. Getting the ship's phasers and torpedoes, if the ship still had any, ready would not be a huge stretch of the Andorian's skills.


Lihau Nezri
(PNPC Uhin)

Ona Silang
(PNPC Bowers)

Atyss Th'thialan
(PNPC McIntyre)

Zazkeal 'ZaZa' Elms
(PNPC Gregnol)


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