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A Little Shuttle Has A Story To Tell Part 3

Posted on Mon Feb 3rd, 2020 @ 8:21pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: Type 11 Shuttle, Around Yeager
Timeline: MD01 23:00
958 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Zaza grinned to himself as he saw Ona sat by herself in the cockpit of the same damn shuttle they had been in for weeks. It was enough to drive anyone mad with only the same three other people to speak to. It was boring and repetitive. “You know it is getting late right?” The hybrid said leaning against the nearest console.

Ona had been staring out into space though her mind was on anything but what she was seeing. She felt a presence before she heard a voice. "And?" Ona glanced up at him the very slightest smile appearing on her lips.

Zaza grinned as she almost lazy smile appeared on her features. It was one of the first things that attracted him to her other than that fact she was his leader. "Bed is calling surely?" He wondered looking down at the console he was looking at.

"Is it? If you're hearing voices Zee, we might have to drop you off on the nearest inhabited planet and continue on with the mission a man short. Perhaps the locals will care for you, if there are any. You might even become a God to them. Wouldn't that be nice?" Ona stood up and pressed herself against him with a kiss. Things between her and Zaza had been electric lately but she was taking a huge risk and in the back of her mind it nagged at her. Trust no one.

The Engineer snorted. If only, it would be better sometimes to start again. "Only if you come with so I can worship you as a goddess." The man whispered against her lips suprised to find her pressed against him. It was not often that she displayed herself or whatever this was between them so openly. It had been going on years on and off whenever they ended up together.

"You don't do that already?" Her smile broke further. "All right, I'll come to bed. Your bed I'm assuming." She liked teasing him. There was no reason to assume in this moment that anything would go wrong with the mission and being around him certainly relaxed her.

"I would do it all the time if you let me." The man hinted for a moment before he shrugged. "I do not mind where. My bed, your bed, that pilot chair." He teased back in just the same tone before he held out his hand tugging her closure still by her waste.

"I don't think Atyss would be too pleased with us. My bed," she decided and pulled him toward it, not that he was the least bit reluctant. "I was thinking," she said carefully. "If this mission goes well and we get what we want we'd be in a good position. And maybe you and I could talk about a few things."

"Silly humans." Was all the man said as he was happily led to her bed. It was handy sometimes to have that small space where the rest of the crew could be ignored. It wasn't until the door swished closed that he responded to her words. "What type of things?" He wondered as he let go of and leaned up to the clip that kept her hair out of her face.

"Like maybe you and I staying together." She said softly as her blonde hair came cascading down. She hated that he had this affect on her. Making her want to just be herself, lose all of her walls she'd so carefully built up.

"We have discussed this over the last decade a lot. What has changed?" The man murmured surprised by the words that came out of her mouth.

"I guess I've just come to rely on you a lot and as scary as that is, I also like it." No one else was breaking down her door for any affection. And to any other person she only showed her business like ambition. Emotions didn't factor into her work, except with Zee.

The man frowned for a moment before he slowly backed her up until she was against the wall in very few short steps. "I like it as well." The man said surprised by the sudden weakness that she was admitting. When had this happened? When had he managed to get under her skin?

"You're making me nervous," Ona admitted. Never had she displayed such vulnerability to anyone. "So, what do you think?" She found herself shivering and it had nothing to do with the temperature in the room.

"I think it is about time." The man said simply. He was a man of very few words but when he did speak it was of importance. He had always been that way even back in Starfleet. "I've been following you around this universe like a lost human puppy for far too long."

Ona felt elated and kissed him. She felt that had he refused, her heart as well as her physical body might have crumbled right there. There might have been a couple of times when he'd strayed, she couldn't prove anything but she'd turned him away a couple of times in their life together. No longer though. She was going to stay, no matter how nervous she got about letting him too close.

The man said nothing about the kiss other than to just fold her into his arms and curling around her on the small bunk. "Just sleep. We can talk another time and in more detail." He said simply thinking they needed the rest more than anything else.

Ona folded her head under his chin and let out a soft sigh. So much for sticking to her first rule.


Ona Silang
(pnpc by Bowers)

Zazkeal 'ZaZa' Elms
(PNPC Gregnol)


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