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It Is Hardly A Ghost Ship Part 2

Posted on Tue Nov 19th, 2019 @ 7:52am by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Dixoho Saa (*) & Dodian Carli & Chief Operations Kendra McIntyre & Executive Officer Jake Ford

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: USS Temperance, Main Bridge
Timeline: MD02 10:00
1058 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The very uncomfortable feeling did not fade as the small group headed along the corridor that would lead them finally to the Bridge. They had passed bodies and chaos as they had explored on the way to the Bridge but they were no further forward in understanding what had happened to the ship. It was just lucky that the air though stale was breathable due to a generator working somewhere. Gregnol could not shift the feeling that they were being watched as they finally got to the bridge to start investigating properly. "First impressions?" Gregnol asked finally breaking the silence.

"It's...what's the word?" Jake pause to sneeze. "Dusty." He ran a hand along a railing. Clearly the ship still had a vaguely minimal atmosphere as the dust had indeed settled on some surfaces. Not exposed to a vacuum, at least. "And cold. Anyone else notice how cool it is in here or just me?"

Gregnol looked at his bare arms and shrugged. He was used to cold temperatures so not many bothered him now but he had grown up in Siberia when he had been a child. He wasn't one to ask.

"Feels like a ghost ship should," Kendra piped up from her position at the side of the Bridge. "Any way to power up these consoles so we can check the logs or check the last sensor readings?" she asked, knowing there was a way but quite unsure about how to accomplish that feat. She could not shake the feeling that this ship reminded her of the Ishimura.

"I cant shake the feeling that we are being watched... but that may just be my superstitious nature." Dodian began as she rose from a body on the ground. "This individual did not die easily." she rose his fore arm. It bore score marks as if defending itself from a sharp object. "They bear defensive wounds, deep wounds on the forearms and abrasions on the ribs indicate he was stabbed, or impaled by a sharp object." Dusting herself off also, her knees more so due to her kneeling position, she looked at the others. "My impressions being that something violent happened on board and we should be wary. I'm not saying what did it is still on board but I have heard Earth people have a 'spider' sense."

"It's called a 'sixth' sense, doc," Jake replied, shivering. "This ship was around during the war. It might be that the damage and destruction happened in battle. Could be we'll find some Jem'Hadar floating around, too."

"Hopefully," Gregnol said. He had been a cadet when the Dominion War ended and he never lost his need to fight the Jem'Hadar. Gregnol took off the rucksack he was carrying that had a battery back. "This is to be used to boot some stuff up." The Captain announced holding the pack out to Kendra.

Jake's natural inclination was to head for the Tactical station. The lack of power meant that the whole thing was dark, but he'd been on ships not dissimilar to this before. It felt a strange experience to return to it. He touched the dusty console with his fingers. It was icy cold, even cooler than the air. He was about to turn away when he saw what looked like a gooey, slime-like substance start to emerge from the edge of the console and edge down the panel towards his hand. He recoiled sharply, startled by it. Then he blinked. Where the slime had been, there was nothing. He glanced over at the others, who hadn't noticed anything, then let out the breath he'd been holding.

"Weird..." he mumbled to himself. With all the funny activity on the Rosie, maybe his head was a little screwy.

"What's weird?" Kendra asked as she took the battery pack from Gregnol. Without waiting on the answer, she took the Operations console. It was the closest thing to the communications station that these modern starships had. As she waited on her answer, Kendra looked for a place to plug in the console. Had this been over a century ago, the station would have had a little battery slot at the bottom of the console.

"Doesn't matter," Jake shook his head. "How's that power coming along?"

Gregnol silently moved through the bridge and looked out the viewscreen. He instantly was able to see the ship and stupid ships figurehead that Barton had put on what felt like a million years ago now. It was still there gaudy and ridiculous but he just could not bring himself to remove it despite how stupid it looked.

After fumbling for a bit and cursing to herself about the new technology, Kendra was able to bring life to the operations console. Remembering bits from her quick crash course in modern electronics, she was able to establish nothing more than emergency power that turned on a few consoles around the Bridge. "Best I can do," Kendra offered apologetically. It was limited, but perhaps someone with more knowledge could jumpstart the ship.

Jake blew a little of the dust away from the panel he was standing adjacent to as the LCARs display flickered into life. "You should have environmental control access from there," he suggested. "Can you bring the lights up? Maybe some of the heating systems?"

"Slowly," Gregnol added as Dixoho joined him at the window and giggled at the view.

"When are you going to get rid of that thing?" She wondered as she felt the lighting go up enough for her to turn off the flashlight she was carrying.

"What is it?" Dodian asked confused by this odd shape/carving on the ship.

Shrugging, Kendra responded with, "Don't ask me." With the lighting now coming on, she turned off her flashlight as well. "How does the ship's systems look?"

"Don't ask me about that thing." Gregnol snapped. With any luck they would be rid of the ship and that things asap. It just all depended on what happened with this ship and how well preserved she had been floating around space.


Dixoho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Reuben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose

Jake Ford
Chief Armoury Officer
SS Mary Rose

Dodian Carli
Ship's Counsellor
SS Mary Rose

Kendra McIntyre
SS Mary Rose


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