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A Progressive Exchange

Posted on Fri Dec 6th, 2019 @ 11:42am by Major Kolar & Commodore Ledeya ‘Ed’ Ehestri (*)

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: USS Cosmos, Marine Barrack
Timeline: 2396
926 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Major Kolar had a strange ring to it, always had. He'd often thought he would stay within the Klingon Defence Force but had taken an exchange to Starfleet to see how they lived, fought and survived a more comfortable life than Klingons. Usually this was done at command level but more recently there were opportunities to access more professionally suited roles. The marines suited Kolar. He was a warrior after all and respected Starfleet marines most.

He had stripped his office of most comforts, had a strong chair with no cushions, a rack for a bed in the corner and some Klingon decorations up to make it feel a bit more 'homely'.

Ledeya had been waiting for the new Marine Commanding Officer for awhile. Having replaced both CO and XO had been an annoyance but now that one was leading a team down to retrieve her missing officers and the CO settling in there was no time like the present to make herself acquainted. She pressed the time and was invited inside. "Good Evening Major"

"Greetings Captain." Kolar said with his deep voice whilst standing to attention. "Any news on the team below?"

"Major." She offered a smile. It was not often that she got lucky enough to have an exchange officer on her ship let alone a Marine Officer. It was the only thing that stopped her from requesting that Marine's were removed and more medical or scientific personnel put onboard. "I am afraid not."

Kolar smiled a toothy grin, "Let us hope that if they have met their end they did so with a weapon in their hand." He said as if it was the most normal of sentences to him. "If you need me to go and collect their bodies I am ready, Captain."

"I am actually they return as they are pretty much my whole senior team and your Executive Officer, Major. It would involve a lot of paperwork on both our parts if that happened." Ledeya said softly. She dreaded to think what they would send her personnel wise if she lost so many at once. It could not bear thinking about. "How are your family finding the exchange?" She had not been told he was bringing family just that he had family.

"Paperwork?" he asked looking confused. "I assume that is a boring Starfleet activity involving the documentation of deaths and such?" he added rhetorically. "Then I too hope they survive. I do not like the sound of added 'paperwork'."

His attention was turned back to more homely matters as she enquired about his family. "They are fine." he said simply. "They are at home as they should be and are used to me being away on duty. My son is training to become a young warrior, a most honourable endeavour that brings pride to our house. My daughter is much younger but can best most of her classmates. My wife handles the houses affairs. So there is no change for them apart from me being further away." he said plainly.

The woman nodded, it sounded logical. Klingons did not have the notion that family came with them where the Officer went, unlike Starfleet. "Very honourable endeavours indeed," Ledeya commented with a nod. It was interesting to know the differences. He was doing things Starfleets way but he had an added flare about it all.

"But that is our way." Kolar said noting the woman's nod of appreciation of his words. "When I was offered this 'exchange' I thought it would be wise to understand our neighbours as we have failed to do on so many occasions in the past. We fight, then become allies, fight again, then allies once more. I respect our ways..." he said thinking how to word this next part. "But I feel our ways are not always the most honourable and in our best interests."

"You are a man of the future Major." Was what the Betazoid said thinking about how he was considering his people's future. It was admirable to say the least in her opinion. She was thinking she had chosen correctly just from this conversation on having the Cosmos participate in the exchange.

"I fight my corner, Captain. However, I do not foresee my House being in any shape to guide the Council on how it should be ran," he admitted.

The small Captain shrugged. "Some people are not as easy to be changed." She confirmed. She knew it from her own species and how it had taken 2 decades for them to realise that they should be more militaristic after the occupation.

Kolar gave a loud laugh, although the Captain had not meant her remark to be humorous. "Klingons haven't changed since the age of Kahless. We have remained this way for centuries!" he continued. "No Klingon has been easily changed, maybe apart from Worf, son of Mogh."

"I do not know I have met many who have changed," Ledeya commented on smiling. It was an unusual smile and there was a small blush on her cheeks as well. "But it is not worth discussing that but I will keep you informed on the away mission and there is always a seat for you on the Bridge Major." She reminded him.

"Very good Captain," Kolar replied, his posture stiffening as he addressed his superior. "I will not keep you from your duties."


Captain Ledeya ‘Ed’ Ehestri
Commanding Officer
USS Cosmos / TG 72-B
(PNPC Gregnol)

Major Kolar
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Cosmos / TG 72-B
(PNPC Carli)


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