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On the Trail

Posted on Thu Jun 11th, 2020 @ 8:23am by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers & Executive Officer Jake Ford

Mission: Mission 11 - Prospecting
Location: New Laurium - Colony Administration
Timeline: MD 02 22:55
1233 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Jake wasn't particularly keen on appointments, not when time was more important than anything else. In kidnapping cases, which he suspected this to be, the first 48 hours were critical. Right now he wasn't sure of their timescale, but every minute wasted was time running out for the Captain.

With the two semi-bewildered women in tow, he charged through the receptionist's antechamber with a few growled words and marched straight through to the colony director's office - the same one he'd been in just that morning with Gregnol himself.

Eden happily followed after Jake into the room and had a good look around with her eyes first. She even tipped her head back and looked at the ceiling although this almost caused her to loose her balance and bump into Cassie behind her. "Sorry," she mumbled and moved aside so that she could have a proper view of the room with her hands as well as her eyes.

"Mister Kirkby. A word."

Kirkby looked up having a moment of confusion to who was barging in his office before he recognised the man but not the two women with him. "Should I get security, Mister Kirkby?" The receptionist asked.

"No... no that is fine." The surprised man assured quickly. "What can I do for you Ford wasn't it?"

"That's right." Jake approached the desk, making sure to flex to his full height. "Equinox. Talk to me about them again. And why they might suddenly have taken an interest in Captain Gregnol."

"I told you. Equinox Industries is a company based here, it is the largest mining operator and provides 90% of the personnel. It has the biggest market capitalisation in this area as of 2393, It also has active gold mines on Earth, New Roanoke, Bajor, and Rigel IV. I believe those mines are mostly copper and ore. It also maintains numerous joint venture relationships with other entities around the universe." Kirkby repeated as if he was a robot again which made Cassie of all people roll her eyes. "I have no idea what they would want with your Captain." He assured. "Maybe he got mixed up in stuff you were carrying some very interesting undeclared cargo." He quickly said shifting the blame back onto them.

"There was only one person I know of on this colony who knew about that," Jake retorted, placing both hands on the desk. "And I'm looking at him. So let's talk about who else you might have told."

Kirby frowned and shook his head. "I am not. Whoever ordered it would know it was here." The older man retorted back at the security officer.

"I could do a mind-meld if he isn't being helpful," Cassie said brushing a lock of hair back to reveal ears making Kirkby gulp. Cassie would never force it on someone but he did not need to know that.

Eden seemed to understand that they were being very serious and she nodded as if Cassie could really, would really do that. "Or I could bring in Stan. He takes a liking to people pretty quickly."

"Now now, Eden, let's not scare the man too much," Jake said, trying to play along.

Kirkby narrowed his eyes at first the Vulcan in the room not entirely sure if she was joking or not and then the other woman. Both had seemed weak until they opened their mouths. "What is a Stand?" He demanded

"Not Stand, Stan. He's a spider. A very deadly one. Well trained and likes to bite and eat people," Eden said and then she smiled cheerfully. "So just tell us what we want to know and we'll keep him locked up."

"I know nothing other than what you have told me." Kirkby looked shifted as Cassie strode around and sat on his desk crossing her legs.

"We know that is wrong. You said something to someone and now a man I very much admire is missing." Cassie said in a voice that had never been heard on her before. She was always almost sad or Vulcan like in her mannerisms. Maybe through her connection to Johnathen, it was affecting her or maybe making her more outgoing.

"I... I... I had no chose. They aren't to be messed with." Kirkby finally spat out moving away from the woman he suspected was more dangerous than the man who looked it.

"Keep going," Jake nodded, still rooted to his position by the desk. "Who is responsible, and where did they take him?"

"It's them... them." The man said indicating the huge Equinox sign that was visible from the window. Cassie looked at the other two and shrugged. How could it not be them? It was painfully obvious that they had the power here despite it being a joint Ardana and Federation venture. "I did not even know they had come after him until you barged in here."

"WHO?" Jake banged the desk with his hand for urgency. "Names. Faces. Equinox is a big organisation. You must have some idea whose face I need to go punch in to find out."

"You think you can go up against the CEO. He is far older than he seems. He was really quite interested in Gregnol when I said SS Mary Rose was here." Kirkby laughed bitterly. He was a dead man already for letting them know so much.

"Name!" Cassie demanded getting annoyed her self. This man was purposely causing them to be delayed.

"I do not know his name." Kirkby answered. "No one does."

"You make dealings with someone that you don't know his name? You didn't think that this would come back to bite you?" Eden was actually mad. There were very few times she actually lost her temper but this man was just an idiot. There was accidentally being an idiot and purposely being one and he was purposely being one as he only seemed to care about profit. "I really want to release Stan."

"Everyone has a name," Jake said, directing his statement to Eden, whom he sensed was getting upset. He needed them to keep their cool, even if he wasn't. "And if it's their CEO then there'll be a public record of him somewhere. And that's where we'll have to go."

"Not everyone has a name." Kirkby yelled at them as Cassie looked at him carefully.

"He is scared." She commented almost bored like. "Lets go we can checked public records from the ship." It was getting later and later by the second. They were losing time messing about with this man who already looked like he was trying to skip out of town.

Jake glared at Kirkby again, daring him to do anything. "Anything happens to him, I'm coming here first," he warned, before taking hold of Eden's hand and giving it a little squeeze. "C'mon. Cassie can check things out back on the ship and we can see how Jea's getting on."

Eden gave him a small smile and seemed to deflate some when Jake touched her. It was silly really, to get so mad. She couldn't control the man's actions but she thought him very dumb to do business dealings like that and followed Jake out of the office.


Jake Ford
Chief Armoury Officer
SS Mary Rose

Eden Bowers
Chief Helmsman
SS Mary Rose

Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)


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