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Hacking And Yapping

Posted on Thu Sep 10th, 2020 @ 11:32am by Oliver Lucas & Liha t'Ehhelih & Dixoho Saa (*)

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Location: SS Mary Rose - Infirmary
Timeline: MD -01 16:00
1842 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure

"All right, those injuries are healing up pretty well. I'd say take it easy for a few days, but nobody ever listens to that advice," Oliver explained, running the scanner over Liha's back and shoulder. She seemed like the sort of person who wouldn't take the advice of anyone she didn't trust, for sure.

"Not everyone needs to," Liha shot back, but with a smile that softened the remark. With Quin, she might have just smirked, but she couldn't raise her normal level of irritation at human medics. Partly, he wasn't arrogant enough, but mostly she felt bad for the kid - assimilation was among any Romulan's worst nightmares, and the fact that he'd survived it both gave her pause about needling him and earned grudging respect.

Over his shoulder, he could hear the doors opening to allow someone to come in. Without looking up from making some notes on a PADD, he called over his shoulder: "If you're looking for Dr Quin, he's no longer on board. Since that's all everyone seems to be asking these days."

Dixoho stopped dead in the doorway and looked around for the voice. "I was not looking for him. I knew that he left." Dixoho thought it was bad manners for them to fix him up and then him up and leave. It was not very human at all even for a dodgy human. "I was the one person who escorted him off the gangway." She had come to get up the monthly check on her lungs.

"Oh." Oliver was half-interested, half-not really paying attention. He took a step back from Liha, indicating that he was finished. "Well, it's just me here at the moment."

"Yes, pay no mind to me." Liha gave a quick, sarcastic smile as she hopped off the biobed.

"Sorry..." he mumbled, looking at the floor. "Didn't mean anything by it." He threw a half-look at Dixoho. "Uh, you need something from me?"

Liha shook her head. Oliver was just not as much fun to needle. "I'm just joking, kid. I know you meant the only medic since Quin bailed on us."

Dixoho raised an eyebrow on hearing that they only have one medic now. She thought they still had Christopher but she would make it a priority to find out. It would be bad if they only had one person on board, the man could only do so much. She shrugged and settled for leaning against a cabinet rearranging the items there. She glanced up as she was spoken to and nodded. “Just here for my normal check over and prescription. I’m Dixoho Saa.” She wanted to add a Sir to sentence but it felt odd saying that to a man who seemed younger than her.

He wanted to wince as she started fiddling around in a storage cabinet. She wouldn't have known that he'd spent a whole morning doing an inventory of that very set of supplies. But he didn't mention it. "Oliver," he replied with a vague nod and a half-wave. "Quin brought me on board a couple of weeks ago to help out. Didn't realise he'd be gone just as quick."

Dixoho smiled in sympathy at how stressful it must for the man going from being an almost apprentice to the actual lead on a ship with quite a few crew onboard. It had been far too quickly but the man had made his choice to leave the ship and that was on him. No one was forced to stay here, after all, it was my choice. “It happens but I am sure you will be okay. Quin had some sense at one point.” She mused quickly.

"Only rarely." Liha puffed a breath and rolled her eyes. She might have a little more sympathy for Quin after listening to his half-delirious mutterings about the loss of his child, but it only went so far - she was a Romulan after all and had lost half of her race and because of the Tal Shiar couldn't go back to see what was left of her family. "But he wasn't a bad doctor, just a bit irritating."

"At least he was a doctor..." Oliver mumbled. "Just try to keep it to strains and the common cold and you'll be fine. I hope."

What came out of the man’s mouth threw the Trill for a moment and she turned pale looking at him carefully before looking at Liha. Was he just joking or was he really not a doctor? “I kind of need a prescription so need a doctor?” The woman wondered a little worried. She had been assured that nothing was going to change with Quin having left.

"Uh...if you need a prescription, the meds are all in that cabinet there." He pointed at the unit she had been rifling through. "Or at least they were a few minutes ago. Make sure you read the label and everything."

"You know what you need, right? It's not like Quin did more than run a scanner on you for procedure's sake, and then toss the pills at you." Liha put in. "But I thought we'd picked up another doctor, or did Byrne bail on us too?"

"I believe he is still on board," Dixoho said turning to look at the cabinet that she had been playing with. "I know but I have never administered it before." She mused as she turned to start looking for the prescription she had, had been taking since a child.

Oliver reluctantly took his leave from where Liha was finishing covering herself back up and awkwardly worked his way around Dixoho to access the storage cabinet. "Okay, so we've got red ones on the left, then blue, then green...what colour are they normally?"

"Purple." She admitted having a moment of panic before she noticed a small box with her name written all over it. "Phew." She mumbled as she grabbed up the small storage box and passed it over to him. Barely anyone on the crew knew of her condition and it had been how her doubleganger had managed to get on board.

Liha shook her head. "I can probably hack into Quin's medical file for a list of standard prescriptions so we don't have to search for medicine by pill color."

Oliver blinked, alarmed by her suggestion. "Isn't that...unethical?"

The Romulan shrugged. "No less ethical than leaving without putting that all somewhere you could find it."

"And if I give permission to hack my file go for it but I think this is it." She held up the small metal box and opened it. Her smile turned to annoyance as she realised it was empty. "Not here. Obviously was never refilled."

Oliver's face dropped a little when she showed him the empty container. He thought he'd checked stock. "Uh, how urgent is the prescription?" he inquired, already mind racing with questions over how they were going to re-stock the medical supplies when they didn't even have a proper doctor on board.

Liha cracked her knuckles. "Say the word and I'll start hacking."

"Um..." Dixoho had never revealed her condition to anyone really onboard. "It keeps me alive." She admitted paling just a little as she tried to not think on the last time she had the medication and how close she had been to nearly dying. "My lungs do not work right."

"Oh. Oh!" He glanced between the two of them. "Well...maybe looking into those files just this once might not be such a bad idea then." He felt particularly uncertain about the prospect of looking through private medical records, but with a patient in need, he wasn't sure what else to suggest.

"All right then," Liha flexed her fingers and sat down at a terminal. "I doubt this will be too hard. Starfleet was never known for their cybersecurity, and this hasn't even been Starfleet for a long time." Her hands paused over the keys - she wanted to be sure no one was going to throw the Romulan under the bus if they had second thoughts. "I have your permission, right?"

"Of course," Dixoho said without hesitation. If the woman could find out what the drug was actually called and if they could create something similar until they could get another supply it would be worth it. The only reason no one knew about her death sentence was because barely anyone had been on board when the virus had nearly killed her.

With a nod, Liha set to work. Firewalls were easy - she'd worked here as engineer long enough to know how most of the systems were set up, but honestly, there wasn't much on the main systems she couldn't have hacked past before she finished secondary school. Quin's account had a few more locks than she had expected, especially for a civilian doctor, but most multi-factor elements just took a little creativity - pull up transporter records to pull DNA, recordings for voice pattern... The last piece was a password. She had to think about that. It was almost tempting to try one of insulting pet names for her, but she doubted she'd made all that much of an impression. No, it would be someone else... a child, circumstances he'd babbled about when he was delirious.

On a hunch, she typed something in. "There you go," she announced, getting up from the terminal to give Oliver access. "I suggest transferring patients notes to your personal files so I don't have to come down here again to retrieve them."

Still feeling awfully uncomfortable, Oliver reluctantly looked at the two women before taking over the terminal and making the required changes. "I'm just looking after them, right? This isn't me saying I'm taking over from Quin or anything."

"Course you are not," Dixoho said. "I am sure Christopher will just in and help before you are required to do anything. It is just unfortunate you are here and he is not." The navigator said quickly to appease him.

"Good thing you are here since she needs those meds," Liha corrected. "Quin left, Christopher is never around, so someone needs to be. You could stand to think more like a Romulan - be ready to step in because you never know when other people are going to 'disappear'."

"T-they might?" he stammered the question, not sure whether she was being serious or trying to tease him. Romulan humour was...different.

"On this ship who knows," Dixoho commented. It was not unusual for people to just up and leave without comment to anyone but it was the way of life on the edge. No one really spoke about it but it did happen.

"Don't worry, kid. People do up and leave here, but it's not because of the Tal'Shiar," Liha assured him. "And if those
ryak'nar show up here, I'll get to them before they get to you."

"I'm sure you will," he just nodded, a little paled by the prospect. "Let's hope they don't."


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