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Million Credit Question

Posted on Fri Oct 9th, 2020 @ 9:03pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Laurier Cami & Liha t'Ehhelih & Oliver Lucas

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD02 07:30
926 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

"You don't understand. I. Am. Not. Trill." Cami was at her wit's end. She'd been trying to explain the insane notion to this strange awkward medic for ten minutes already and he was getting more incredulous by the second. "This hair isn't mine. These spots aren't mine - although I'm tempted to keep them, they're pretty cool - and this," she motioned to her entire frame. "This isn't mine. It's someone else's."

"Okay..." Oliver took a nervous step away from the madwoman. "Maybe we should've been a bit more careful with those doses we gave you. I wasn't sure hallucinations or psychotic episodes were listed in the side effects but it could be the level of medication needs changing."

"Medication? What medication!?" Cami stamped afoot. "You're not listening!" She turned around as the XO and helm officer appeared in the doorway. "Can you people help me? This guy claims to be a doctor but he won't believe a word I'm saying!"

This should be interesting... Liha smirked. "Well, speaking of believing things. Would you believe I'm Liha and this is the Captain?" she said gesturing at Eden's body.

"Exactly!" Cami declared at Oliver. Then she frowned and looked back at them. "What!?"

Gregnol raised his arm and offered a wave. "Believe it." He instructed. Eden's voice sounded strangely masculine and her usual clear and precise voice thick and heavy.

"O-kay..." Oliver was already going for a tricorder. "So, mass shared hallucinations? Strange biological agents?" he wondered. How he was going to even start diagnosing that was a mystery in itself.

"I'm not crazy!" Cami insisted, stamping her foot again. "Am I...?" she glanced at the other two for help.

"I can't speak for you, but we're not," Liha replied, jerking a thumb between herself and Gregnol. "How about you look at brainwaves? Mine won't be on the record, but maybe you have the Captain's or Eden's on file."

"Brainwaves. Right." Oliver looked around the sickbay, not entirely sure what equipment he was going to need for the job but making do with what he did know. "If one of you hops on the biobed there I guess I'll take a look."

"Well, seeing I am the one with the biometric details on file I will take the seat." Gregnol hopped up onto the biobed amused at the fact he needed to hop instead of just fall on to it. "Ready." He announced wiggling until he got comfortable on the biobed in his new body.

Oliver awkwardly looked at the small blonde lady laid out on the biobed, still not quite believing that the giant Russian Captain had somehow squeezed into her body. "It'll take a minute to run the scans..." he explained.

"Umm...Captain?" Cami asked, a little uncertainly. "What's it like? Being in a girl's body for the first time?"

Gregnol looked at Dixoho and raised an eyebrow. "You are not Saa?" He questioned back not wanting to go into how it felt being a woman but it gave him a new respect for his wife.

"Cami," she replied, still wondering if he would give her an answer.

"Then I will tell you this it is interesting," Reuben answered realising it made sense that the woman in front of him was Cami. She looked so much perkier than Dixoho ever was but it did raise something in the back on his mind about Dixoho and her limitations.

"I'll bet," Oliver murmured as he looked at the scan results. "I really don't know how to interpret these all that well. You might be better off asking a scientist for answers..." he explained, pointing at several markers on the visual display. "Brainwave patterns look normal in some sections, but there are strange abnormalities in the neo-cortex and hippocampus; those are memory centres. So could it be you're all normal and your memories have changed somehow?"

“I am definitely not Eden,” Gregnol assured thinking he could take him to the bridge and helm to prove it but that felt overkill when it could quite literally kill off.

Oliver scratched his head as Cami looked at him rather pointedly for an answer he didn't really have. "Well, you got me. I've never really seen anything like this before. Maybe we should quarantine the ones of you that are affected? In case it's a contagion or something?"

Gregnol has considered that as an option ever. What kind of contagion could cause people to swap? It was a bit far fetched but he would bow to his knowledge and sat up looking at everyone properly. “Well, why don’t you lock yourself in your office and we can hang in here until we can think of it a little more and more people arrive. People would think to come here when something like this happened right?” He knew he would but not everyone would be so logical he knew that.

"Oh, it's not my-" Oliver started, but figured if he was actually talking to the Captain he shouldn't complain. The office definitely wasn't his - it belonged to the ship's chief medical officer, whoever that was at this moment. If, of course, they weren't occupying someone else's body. "I'll...go..." he pointed in the direction of the office and shuffled roughly in that direction.

Cami sighed and looked around. "Well, I can't stay like this. I have a life! What are we going to do??"

"First we have to find who did this to us," Liha said grimly. "Then we make them put us back in our own bodies."


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