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Seduction Isn't An Art Or A Talent Part 1

Posted on Wed Mar 28th, 2018 @ 2:14pm by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Johnathen Anderson Jr

Mission: Mission 6 - Azzia
Location: Deck 7 - Sickbay Complex
Timeline: MD 05 :: 07:00
1416 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Cassie sighed softly as she rolled over confused that she had enough space to do so, normally Johnathen at least slept with a leg or arm thrown over her like he was scared she was going to disappear in the night. She rolled over in the other direction confused as she hit a wall. Where was she? Her quarters didn’t have a wall against. She bolted awake confused at where she was but she soon relaxed as she realised she was on the sundeck on deck 20.

Slowly sitting back down she ran a hand across her forehead feeling the heat rising from her. What day was she on since the first symptoms of Pon Farr? Hell, why was she showing signs it was far too early. She needed help and the only person onboard who might be able to could possibly that Romulan she realised as she already found herself heading towards sickbay. In her work as a geneticist, it was well known that both their species had once been the same one, he might not know the fires but he would certainly have the strength to survive.

“Hello?” She called out as she entered looking a little worse for wear.

Peeking out from the office, Lhaes' light grey eyes sparkled as he smiled, stepping out fully now. "Ah, Miss McAvoy, what can I do for you?" He gave her a once-over, the smile fading a fraction. "You look a little-frazzled ma'am, are you alright?"

Cassie smiled a little as she confirmed he was Medical personnel in charge of sickbay. "I am glad you are here and you can call me Cassie. I need your help." She said softly as she walked over to him looking almost drunk but there was nothing alcoholic at all in her system.

Putting on his mental walls, he reached out to catch her, and guided her over to a nearby bed. "yes, I can see you need help," he answered gently, "what do you need help with?" Making sure she was safely sitting up, he reached down for his tricorder and flipped it open but held off on scanning her for now.

"So strong?" She whispered as he guided her firmly to the bed and set her there and started to scan her. "I know what is wrong." She closed the tricorder as it beeped most likely telling him that her hormones and endorphins were at a dangerously high level.

"Are you going to tell me what is wrong?" Lhaes asked, keeping his eyes on her as he felt her close his tricorder. "And yes, I am's very useful being a doctor and having some physical strength available to me."

"Nice to know." She nodded standing up into the small space between them looking up at him, wide-eyed. The bond pulsed with lifelike another heartbeat within her, thriving so heartily from all days of being joined mind, heart, and body with Tevir. She found another thought even headier than the memories of her last Pon Farr was the prospect of this one.

There was something about the way she looked at him that made Lhaes take a tiny step back to create a bit of distance. The emotions that emanated from her hit his barriers full force. "Uhm..." he started, reaching to nudge her back on the bed. "Let's run some scans now shall we? To see what's possibly ailing you?"

The woman grinned as she let forward even as he pressed back against the bed. “I told you I know what it ailing me Lhaes and that you’re the only one who can help me.” She whispered running a hand up his chest.

"No ma'am, you didn't tell me and I've asked twice now," the Romulan countered politely, while deftly easing her back onto the bed. He caught her hand with his and gently placed it back on her lap. He flipped open the tricorder again and this time initiated the scanner function of the device, starting to run it over her by beginning with her head. "How long have you been feeling like this?" he asked as the scanner continued a downwards trek along her body.

"I can't remember." She admitted as her hands strayed to his shoulders this time. A memory struck of something as she did that and for a moment she thought Tevir was stood in front of her showing her kindness when she deserved none when she was being so spiteful.

Her feelings were all over the place and hard to miss, even though Lhaes did his best not to read them. He took her hands a second time and once more replaced them in her lap as if, to true Romulan behaviour, he really didn't like to be touched. "Hours?" he queried, "days? If days, why didn't you come sooner?"

"Days..." She admitted knowing now he fully understood what she was doing and why she was doing it. "It started the second day of being below. I thought I could ignore it. I have no mate." And yet… something inside mocked her brave, proper thoughts as the bond flared alive more than it had been before.

"Yes you do," the Romulan countered, closing the tricorder a second time. "The Human...Jonathen? Though according to your records, you had a mate when you left on the Ishimura. He would be an old man now, but I can find out if he still lives."

"The human wouldn't be able to control it and I would only hurt him. I don't want to hurt him... you on the other hand." The woman said simply shaking her head at his suggestion of her having a mate still alive. It was impossible that Tevir could still be alive she had decided after the last month of thinking it over.

"You would hurt me too," Lhaes reminded her, "and I know I would be because I have experienced it for myself. The mother of my daughters was Vulcan. Your best option would be to find your husband, or make sure you have medical supervision for and Jonathen...mate." He shook his head. "I doubt your present mate will be agreeable to you seducing me."

"You are Romulan... we are the same." She reminded back as she jumped off the bed and moved closer to him. It was an almost stalking action as she moved quicker and pressed up against his lips with her own. Nothing else in her head other than the fact she needed him, not the bond that was trying to intrude or the fact Johnathen was the one for her.

The kiss surprised him, especially the fierceness of it. In reflex he brought up his hands, fully intent on pushing her away. The physical contact was overwhelming, so overwhelming he found himself unable to do so.

Having spoken with the Captain, Johnathen felt much more secure with the relationship that he and Cassie had. That boost in his ego established, he set out to find the beautiful Vulcan hybrid. When he couldn't find her anywhere in the capitol, he guessed that she must have returned to the ship. He then made his way to the nearest transporter centre and beamed up to the Mary Rose.

After he returned to the ship, Johnathen queried the computer as to Cassie's location. When he was informed that she was in sickbay, he suddenly worried that she had been hurt somehow. He quickly hurried to reach her.

When he reached sickbay, Johnathen pushed through the doors before they finished opening. That's when he stopped and stared. He couldn't believe what he saw. Cassie and the Romulan doctor, kissing. "What the hell?!" He exclaimed as he stood there, his blood starting to boil.

Gently, Lhaes forced himself to push her away, back onto the bed he wanted her to remain. He knew he had, even if unwillingly, responded to the kiss. Felt the familiar fires he had experienced for himself several years ago. He had always wondered if he would be stuck in a cycle even if he hadn't been the one who had initially suffered it. He turned his head, easily sensing the anger. "This is not what it looks like," he explained, already knowing that the man might not accept the explanation.


Lhaes Sommers
Senior medic
SS Mary Rose

Johnathen Anderson Jr
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Robertson)

Cassie McAvoy
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)


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