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Nerves, Figure Heads And Captains

Posted on Wed May 2nd, 2018 @ 1:07am by Reessem Nubohn KIA (*)

Mission: Mission 6 - Azzia
Location: Deck 2 - Yeoman's Office
Timeline: MD 10 15:00
1329 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

There was no other way than to describe the ships Admin as nervous. Her heart beat erratically as Reessem searched for something to do. She was unable to keep her eyes from flickering towards the chronometer every five seconds. The only previous time she had felt this anxious was before she had left Corsica and Earth far behind . The same excited and nervous butterflies were now filling her stomach as she waited for the new Chief Engineer to come in. The beach party had only strengthened and confirmed what ever was going on between them was possibly both ways.

“Good Afternoon, Mademoiselle.” Deacon said as he walked into her office. Looking at Reessem, as she sat behind her desk, he wished he’d the emotional detachment of a Vulcan or at least the emotional restraint of a Romulan but he knew his people had neither, as he smiled at her warmly, “You’ll be happy to know the antimatter tanks were topped off this morning, your larder is full, much to the joy of Chef di Lorenzo, which fulfills your contract with ‘D&T’ along with my employment to them." Then bringing his eyes up to meet hers added, "So as of now I am completely yours.”

His heart skipped a beat as he said those words, and his chest warmed at the thought of her. Even though with those feelings came a twang of regret that she would never return them. When she walked away from him at the buff while others reveled round them, she did not say a word. Somehow, she couldn’t even see him. Wouldn’t allow herself to even acknowledge him. He knew then that he was just ‘hired help’ but that was ok. She still stopped his universe, with every breath, with every glance and made his heart shutter redefining for Deacon what true beauty meant.

"I am sure you shouldn't say that to anyone but me." Reessem teased him slightly offering him the seat in front of him. It was interesting that she was finding herself attracted to someone so different from any other man she had ever met before. "So how do you feel about leaving Azzia?"

Deacon sat down and thought about what Reessem just said “Happy...little sad, but mostly happy,” Deacon replied, choosing to answer her question first, promising himself to get back to the curve ball she started out with, “Made a lot of good friends down there, seen a lot of great things. But it will be good to feel a ship at warp under my feet again. Especially with the Rose, while there a few things that leave a but to be desired, she seems an interesting ship filled with some of the most wonderful surprises.” He added looking at Reessem meaningfully.

"Aye the figurehead on the front of the ship leaves a lot to be desired. Gregnol has tried to get it down but Barton was very determined." She said thoughtfully before winking at him. "It will be nice to have another Engineer onboard. We don't seem to have much luck with Engineers until the two girls came along." She didn't know why either of the Starfleet Officers stuck around but they seemed to.

"With killer spiders and falling steam pipes, I'm not surprised you've gone through more than a few engineers.," Deacon said with a grin, "Probably didn't give the poor buggers such an exquisite... I mean such a capable tour guide." In those heartbeats Deacon prayed he wasn't playing a one-sided game. Well, he thought to himself Nothing ventured, "As far as the figurehead goes, couldn't say one way or the other. I can only talk to what I've seen and let me tell you, since I’ve come aboard, I’ve had to stop and look more than once, and you have no idea how rare that is for me. "

"Nope only certain people get those tours." She said with a shy smile before she laughed standing up and touched her window. Just below her window, you could see the old-fashioned wooden ships figure head. "How have you missed it?" She wondered softly.

Deacon stood besides the window and grimaced at wooden sculpture, "I see what you mean," he laughed, "That's hideous." the hunk of wood was old and pockmarked, making the figure more hag than maiden, "This 'Barton,' whoever he was, must have been quite determined to convince the Skipper to keep that there." he added placing his own hand on the window, his ring and pinky finger gently overlapped Reessem's.

"Do you know something about determination?" he asked not taking his eyes off the figurehead "It can be admirable, even desirable when you find something or someone special," Deacon said turning towards Reesem angling his head slightly to see the light and shadow play across her breathtaking features, "Always found it best not to push too hard though. Have to give someone the space they need to make their own decisions. Don't you think?" He added softly.

"Barton was the Captain for about a week before he got arrested for drug smuggling." She said fondly thinking of the man who would have run the ship into the ground without Reuben being the Commanding Officer. She didn't move her hand away as she watched the figure head remembering the day pretty much like this one where they were docked in a base and it was moved into place. Reueben had been less than impressed.

"Nope push to far and they get to scared." She said looking at his reflection in the glass in front of her.

“Hmm, sounds like he was determined and passionate, but not patient,” Deacon observed, ”Going for the quick easy payoff.” Staring now at their hands he made other observation, “Your hand’s getting cold.’ he whispered taking her hand away from the window, cupping it in both of his. Reessem’s palm and fingertips felt like ice. Bringing her hand gently to his mouth, almost touching his lip that longed to kiss that palm, those fingertips, Deacon softly blew on them until they warmed.

Still staring at her hand, and speaking in hushed tones he added, ‘You need to have patience with anything you’re passionate about,” looking at Reeseem’s face he could see that damn, unruly lock of hair had fallen across her forehead, almost to her eyes. Slowly almost dreamlike, Deacon brushed the hair back hooking it behind her ear. His fingers lingered there, as he studied her eyes, seemingly filled with passion, seemingly filled with desire, but also filled with doubt.

“I need to have that patience if I ever plan to build anything worthwhile with,,,,.” He whispered not finishing and not realizing how personal he’d just been. Instead he smiled, looking away slightly, as he shut his eyes and he lowered his hands, not trusting his self-control.

A soft cough happened behind the pair and Reessem turned around to find the Captain stood there watching the pair as if he had just come into the room through the open door. Reessem never closed her door, it was one of the things he liked about her office just being opposite his - he could yell if he needed her.

"Afternoon, Captain," Deacon said standing up straight, suddenly feeling like a gentleman caller being eyed by an overprotective father. "I just come up to let the Mademoiselle know the ship's all fueled up and provisioned." As he looked at the inscrutable expression on Reuben's face he knew it was time to find his cabin, "Mademoiselle, I'd like to talk soon so we can decide what we should do...with that figurehead." he said, feeling the moment slip away, "No rush, whenever you have the time." he added with a shy smile.


Deacon Kane
Chief Engineer
SS Mary Rose

Reessem Nubohn
SS Mary Rose


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