'To all mankind -- may we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth.'


Welcome aboard the SS Mary Rose, a pastiche of a ship hailing from an era bygone, past checkered and historically dubious. In all rights, she should have been moored in a museum, stripped of her warp core, drained of her chattels and propped onto a pole, a lifeless husk on display. Yet the SS Mary Rose has a tireless manner of slipping through the tight noose of fate.

This simulation is based on the dark side of Star Trek, people living on the very edges of the Federation. We are a simulation focusing on player involvement and quality writing, and the admin team makes a special effort to build an inclusive and welcoming community that appreciates diversity.

We are a multi award winning simm based in the Task Force 13 of Obsidian Fleet.

The SS Mary Rose is a 18+ and 2/2/2 simming community. We are LGBTQ+ friendly community.

Current Ship Mission

Latest News Items

» Mission 18 - Shackles

Posted on Wed May 8th, 2024 @ 8:46am by Captain Rueben Gregnol in General News

Hi All

As you all know our current mission is very much at the ending point.

Mission 18 - Shackles

Making a supply pick-up from a Fenris Rangers cache on a remote planet, the SS Mary Rose discovers a crashed Orion slaver ship on the surface. Alarmingly, it appears the survivors of the crash were an assortment of alien races abducted from various pre-warp worlds across the fringes of known space. These survivors have built a settlement for themselves out of the crashed ship, though with virtually no understanding of advanced technology or warp travel, they remain trapped on the planet with no way home.

Now, however, this surviving settlement has discovered the Rangers’ cache of supplies and weapons and taken them for themselves, presenting the crew with a problem; the supplies are needed elsewhere, but how should they approach these settlers, who have a natural distrust of outsiders?

Some of the Rosie crew are wary of the Prime Directive, despite not being in Starfleet’s mandate. Yet the more pragmatic would suggest the supplies belong to the Rangers and are needed elsewhere…

I want to properly get this mission on its way now as it gives us so many amazing opportunities to get those muses thriving again and offering varied plots four months after the grotto incident. We have prepared a mission guide .

This is the mission planner where you can sign up for plots or create your own.

Anyone who wants to discuss a plot or has an idea please grab me and we can discuss.

This mission will kick off officially as soon as we finish with a couple of big posts.


» New Player - Terrence Rumm

Posted on Fri Oct 13th, 2023 @ 9:24am by Captain Rueben Gregnol in General News

Afternoon Everyone

I would like to introduce you to our new player Josh, who will be playing Terrence Rumm. They will be becoming our chief of the boat. In his own words, he is an experienced veteran who can keep an eye on the morale and welfare of the crew at large, support with training and onboarding of new crew members, and be a jack of all trades type who can provide a little expertise and enhance coordination between different departments.

I would like to ask while he settles in you offer lots of jp's and make him feel welcome on Rosie. I am sure they would appreciate a prod on Discord to offer said joint posts before we get lost in space.


» Hysperia Awards and Achievements

Posted on Fri Oct 6th, 2023 @ 8:12am by Captain Rueben Gregnol in General News

Hi All

I finally got around to doing the awards and achievements for Hysperia.

Congratulations all

Please do not forget you can vote at any point.


Crew's Choice Award for Hysperia

Evelyn Reynolds
“The Oliver/Evelyn dynamic has shifted dramatically this mission, and I have to give kudos to Serahni for enabling and driving much of that. I'm excited to see where it leads! She deserves a lot of recognition for helping juggle a lot of little arcs this run around, and I'm personally grateful for the added creativity.”

Leiddem Kea
“The award is for Becca, of course, and her legion of delectable characters but Leiddem is my boy and I have thoroughly enjoyed every post written with him this mission. (I have, of course, enjoyed all the posts written with Becca. There have been many.) To the lady that keeps us going, somehow, and puts up with our shenanigans. You deserve more than an award. Possibly a stiff drink.”

Oliver Lucas
I'm nominating Paul specifically for his portrayal of Oliver during this mission. It's been highly enjoyable to see the character emerge from Sickbay and start to show facets of his experience and trauma. Paul always paces his exposition well so I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg and I look forward to learning more about this character in future missions.


Non-Player Character Award

Rueben Gregnol
“I may be bias because I have claimed all of them. (Nearly.) Always much love and admiration for Becca's imaginative breadth and willingness to occupy multiple headspaces at once. Never a dull moment, always something to write, always new adventures to plot.”

Delaney O'Callaghan

“Okay, the character is Tomas, but the writer's PC is Delaney. Tomas was fantastic - perfect for the world and sprung near fully formed right from the start.”


Library Excellence Ribbon

Liha t'Ehhelih
“Beya was Queen, Burnie rode a dragon AND got accidentally married, and Liha didn't kill Curtis. I always enjoy reading Cam's characterisations and was particularly fond of her characters' interactions with a certain kissing-booth proprietor this mission. (Plus, we got arrested together. I think they've probably forgotten about that.) Strong, well-rounded characters with distinctive voices, Cam's writing always leaps off the screen. Good stuff.”


Two years served

Delaney O'Callaghan


Four years served

Jake Ford



‘But I want a dragon’

- Participate in a JP around Dragons
Rueben Gregnol, Jake Ford, Michael Burnstein, Delaney O'Callaghan, Kalahaeia t'Leiya

Everyone got involved and no one as of yet seems to have brought a dragon home with them


‘I went, I had fun’

- Participate in a JP around an event where you had lots of fun
Rueben Gregnol, Jake Ford, Michael Burnstein, Delaney O'Callaghan, Kalahaeia t'Leiya
Whether it was the joust, the crowing of the harvest queen or Masquerade Ball

» New Player - Rormu Yazlin

Posted on Thu Sep 7th, 2023 @ 12:28pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol in General News

Good evening Everyone

I would like to introduce you to our new player Emu, who will be playing Rormu Yazlin. They will be becoming our chief armoury officer. I would like to ask while he settles in you offer lots of jp's and make him feel welcome on Rosie. I am sure they would appreciate a prod on Discord to offer said joint posts before we get lost in space.


» Obsidian Day Award Nominations

Posted on Sun Jun 18th, 2023 @ 4:51am by Captain Rueben Gregnol in General News

Hi all

As you would have seen from the fleet news item on Discord it is that time again to nominate for obsidian day awards. You can nominate for these awards here.


Obsidian’s Outstanding Player

Award for that special player who deserves recognition for those outstanding contributions he/she brings to a simulation and fleet as a whole.

Obsidian’s Outstanding Newcomer

Award for a new simulation since last Obsidian Day that brings a wealth of new adventures and interesting characters to the fleet. (includes ships where a change over of Game Masters has happened)

Obsidian’s Most Helpful Player

Award for that individual who brings a valuable contribution to the fleet.

Obsidian’s Community Engagement Award

Award for that individual who goes that extra step to engage with the community.

Obsidian’s Valiant Volunteer

Award for that individual who has made a valiant effort for the fleet. Goes above and beyond for the community.


Golden PADD for outstanding creativity (Overall Sim)

Award for a game that stands out with creativity not just your normal characters, missions or post. 3 examples required.

Golden PADD for outstanding creativity (Individual)

Award for an individual who stands out with creativity not just your normal character or post. 3 examples required.

Golden PADD for outstanding Mission

Award based on an original mission where crew IC and OOC were tested and showed quality writing. 3 examples required.

Golden PADD for outstanding Post

Award for a post that stands out and blows the reader away with the quality.

Golden PADD for best character storyline

Award for a character storyline that tests the writer and surprises the reader. 3 examples required.

Latest Mission Posts

» Going Down To The Planet Part 2 - Exploring

Mission: Shackles
Posted on Sun Oct 13th, 2024 @ 4:34pm by Leiddem Kea (*) & Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Executive Officer Jake Ford & Delaney O'Callaghan & Chief Engineer Michael Burnstein & Chief Helmsman Kalahaeia t'Leiya & Chief Armoury Rormu Yazlin & Liha t'Ehhelih

Cassie gazed across the dense forest as the shuttle touched down with a subtle thud in a clearing, the hiss of hydraulics signalling the shuttle depressuring that would let them out. The humid air hung heavy with the scent of moss and damp earth, a far cry from the sterile…

» Fishing

Mission: Shackles
Posted on Thu Oct 10th, 2024 @ 4:48pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Chief Armoury Rormu Yazlin

The dense, uncharted terrain where the ship had crashed was a sprawling jungle with towering trees whose canopies formed a thick, green roof above that blocked out the sun. Vines hung down like sea serpents, swaying gently in the breeze, while the underbrush was a tangle of foliage, roots, and…

» Operations Organisation

Mission: Shackles
Posted on Thu Oct 3rd, 2024 @ 5:16pm by Chief Engineer Michael Burnstein & Nollel Livaam (*)

Nollel glanced up as Michael came into their quarters far earlier than she had thought he would have. She had 15 PaDDS laid out over the floor as she tried to take in the Operations processes of the ship and how she was going to streamline it all to make…

» Barflying

Mission: Shackles
Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 11:41am by Richard Hale & Mykaia Kylo-Zahn

"What, no customers again?" Rick slid onto the barstool with a faint hop, tapping the bar itself with both palms. He gave the Risian behind the counter a winning grin. "Never understood why this place wasn't bustling with people at all hours." The grin remained as he quickly scanned the…

» Betazed: Meet The Family

Mission: Shackles
Posted on Sat Sep 28th, 2024 @ 5:16pm by Leiddem Kea (*) & Delaney O'Callaghan

Leiddem kept tapping his foot as he waited for the shuttle to stop and they could get off and be surrounded by his four sisters and parents and anyone else that his mother could grab into the welcome committee that could potentially be waiting for them. He had enjoyed the…