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Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

Posted on Mon Feb 1st, 2021 @ 2:27am by Indigo (*) & Jeassaho Kea (*) & Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers & Liha t'Ehhelih & Captain Kaylin Jaal

Mission: Mission 12 - Railway
Location: Deck 3 - Mess Hall
Timeline: MD03 - 20:00
2514 words - 5 OF Standard Post Measure

Kaylin didn't own 'formal' clothing as such. It felt appropriate to wear something a little nicer than the usual garb she wore, so she had managed to find something that was halfway between uniform and casual wear. And of course, still retained a couple of places to stash a blade if needed.

She brought Indigo with her as a translator, of sorts. Her contact with humans was incredibly limited, and she wasn't wanting to offend her new 'allies' out of some sort of cultural misunderstanding. Having Indigo around might just help avoid any of that. If the other woman behaved herself, of course.

"Remember," she reminded Indigo as they approached the Mary Rose's officers' mess. "They are assisting us with our efforts to find the refugees. We would do well to avoid upsetting anyone."

"I am not the one who upset our last dinner guests," Indigo commented. She had changed into a light blue dress that matched everything else about her easily. It was light and airy but she was, as usual, having weapons on her.

"Why do you think I left Taev and Krynn behind?" Kaylin retorted with a raised eyebrow.

Indigo just grinned at the woman and winked at the older woman. Anything had to be less interesting that event. There were still stark reminders from the cuts she had sustained from it.

Making Jake's body presentable for this had not been easy. Shaving one's face was yet another thing about being male that Liha would be glad to leave behind once they fixed whatever had gone so very wrong. However, she judged that he looked presentable enough. Coming up beside Eden-as-Gregnol, she spoke quietly. "Remember, Gregnol is a man of few words. That will be for the best tonight."

"Oh, I don't plan on being chatty," Eden replied in Gregnol's deeper voice. It was rather strange to have Jake walking next to her when it wasn't Jake at all. The thought made her uncomfortable for some reason. She wondered when they were back in their own bodies if things would still be the same between them. It was something to think about anyway so she didn't get so nervous before this dinner.

Jeassaho smiled as she finally appeared wearing something that could only be described as eye-catching. “I am here to distract so don’t worry boys.” She winked at them.

"You do know Kaylin is female and probably not so interested in other females?" Liha remarked. She considered for a moment that Jake was not actually built badly, but he was human - so effectively zero distraction potential. "I think we'll have to hope she hasn't learned much about humans."

"It's not for her." Jeassaho laughed adjusting her hair in the window. "Did you not hear who she is bringing with her? I watched the footage from the observation deck and the woman spent half her time checking out your body alongside your old lover and throwing glances at Cassie. She's a young one but I'm not sure she is as young as she seems." Jeassaho told them bluntly.

Liha frowned. "Taev wasn't a lover, he was an occasional stress relief. But if you think you can distract the other one, I supposed we can use all the help we can get."

Kaylin and Indigo entered the Officers' Mess to find the other three individuals waiting for them. Kaylin was initially surprised to see a woman standing with the men, but quickly deduced from body language and looks that this was likely the partner of one of the men - the Captain, almost certainly. Perhaps if her husband were having dinner with another woman, the human custom was for the female to be jealous or be present to avoid awkwardness. Her knowledge of those subtleties was not part of her training.

"Captain Gregnol." Kaylin motioned to her aide. "Indigo, one of my crew. She has been one of our main experts on Federation space lanes. And your customs, of course."

So much for their salvation laying in lack of understanding humans... Liha thought. But it wasn't an XO's place to speak first, so she just tried to keep a neutral expression on Jake's all to expressive face.

"Nice to meet you," Eden said in Gregnol's deeper and rougher voice. He opened his mouth to say something else but was overtaken by Jeassaho and so Eden closed Gregnol's mouth again. It was probably best if she didn't say much anyway.

"I am Jeassaho. I am Reuben's wife." Jeassaho introduced herself with a bright smile to both women as she looped an arm through Gregnol's smiling up at him. If it was not for the fact the emotions streaming from the body of her husband she would have thought it was him instead of Eden. "I am these guys experts on women." She added breaking the ice-making Indigo snort a little.

"I suppose it is fortunate for us both then," Kaylin remarked, nodding at Gregnol. She presented a small bottle filled with crystal blue liquid. "I am led to believe that it is customary that a dinner guest provides an alcoholic beverage. The only thing we have left from our last supply run was Romulan Ale. I hope that contraband isn't forbidden completely on your ship?"

Liha cursed her luck. Real Romulan ale on offer and she was in a body where she couldn't risk more than a couple of sips. "Last I checked, it no longer counts as contraband," she said in Jake's deep voice. "But we shouldn't have too much if we're going to be any use tomorrow."

"A shame." Kaylin shot the tall human an almost playful smirk. In her own circles, a real man wouldn't be afraid of a little competition. And certainly wouldn't want to be shown up by being out-drunk. "A pity your courage in assisting with our refugee problem does not extend to such things."

"I prefer to think of it as mission focus," Liha replied, biting back a smile. That kind of baiting was so classic, she had half expected it and prepared a reply to turn the tables. Besides it was no skin off her teeth if Kaylin thought Jake was a wuss and playing him was enough without his pathetic human body becoming inebriated from a few shots of ale.

“And that is why you are the executive officer,” Jeassaho commented with a giggle and roll of her eyes as she watched the Romulans almost spar verbally. “Sit and be Merry. It is a lovely gesture.” Jeassaho assured grabbing some glasses passing them out.

Eden didn't want to be rude, but she really didn't want to go near the stuff. She didn't handle alcohol very well but also felt that Gregnol would have some of it. She'd have to be super careful and just sip a tiny bit. The thought of getting drunk and reverting back to her 'Edenness' was actually a bit scary considering what was at stake. She watched as a glass was set in front of her but only pretended to drink. "So . . . How did you end up here?" She threw out the question.

Savouring the ale, Kaylin tipped her head to the question. "That is a somewhat long tale. Suffice to say after the chaos left in the wake of the Star Empire's collapse, there was only limited space for a young warbird commander like myself. The Galae was gone. And although I could have joined the Republic, I had...other priorities." She kept the last part vague. Best to let them assume or infer things rather than know them outright. "What of you, Captain Gregnol? You have the bearing of a Starfleet man about you. Perhaps we are not so different?" She glanced at Jake. "And your first mate...well, he almost carries himself like a Romulan himself. Curious." Her lips thinned into a smirk.

Liha inclined Jake's head. "Why, thank you, though I wouldn't call it anything but proper bearing."

"He even talks like one!" Kaylin chuckled, glancing at Gregnol again before fixing Jake with a sultry look. "Where did you find this one, Captain? I might have to steal him away from you." Beneath the table, her foot lifted to gently trace the XO's inside leg.

Kinky... not many Romulan women would come on to a human. Kaylin must be seriously hard up. Probably one of those old school Galae types that wouldn't hook up with her crew. Still, Liha was somewhat flattered - even in this body she still read to people as Romulan. A smile crept onto her face at the thought. "Not that I'm immune to offers," she replied smoothly, "but I think entertaining the proposition might get in the way of our rescue mission."

Eden tried not to glower at the woman. Of course Jake wasn't actually here, only his body was. Still, if anyone had a claim to his body other than himself, it was her. She took a breath. "Oh, he just crawled out of a crack somewhere."

"Undoubtedly." Kaylin winked at Jake. "Business before pleasure, isn't that the human expression?" she glanced at Indigo for confirmation.

Indigo’s eyes were wide in stunned silence for once and she quickly nodded. “Very much the expression.” She whispered looking at the only other female in the room in the Captain’s wife who giggled at her raised eyebrows. Indigo could only shrug as she took a sip of the drink in front of her as the food was brought in.

“And I am sure Jake’s partner would also have issues with that,” Jeassaho said good-natured as she squeezed Eden’s arm soothingly.

"A lucky man, to be certain," Kaylin remarked with another sly grin. He didn't seem to be uncomfortable with her attention, which made her wonder just how open his relationship with his partner was. Intriguing, of course, but a distraction. "I believe I am to thank you for your hospitality, Captain. It is rare that my crew and I can enjoy new company with minimal risk to ourselves during these times."

"Yes, you're welcome, my pleasure. We don't get to entertain guests very often either. " Eden nearly remarked that most guests ended up dead, but restrained herself.

Jeassaho watched Eden amused by her thoughts and nodded. It was the truth she had to concede with a smile as she moved to have some of the food that had been brought in. It was more finger foods to allow them to be able to talk and eat at the same time. “So I am sure you have some tales to tell.” Jeassaho prompted.

"Some," Kaylin nodded. "Although I rather avoid telling them too often. A hangover from my days in the Imperial Galae, I'm afraid; trusting anyone with your past deeds may one day allow them to use those deeds against you." She lifted the glass to her lips. "Or so my former commander would insist."

"I believe those days are long gone. Stories allow people to connect." Jeassaho counted with a shrug looking to Liha/Jake with a wink. "But we do not force people to reveal there secretes on this ship." She assured quickly.

"Forgive us if we seemed to be prying - it's a human thing," Liha remarked, inclining Jake's head slightly toward Kaylin. "I assure you we take no offence at a refusal to share stories. One can never know for certain what threats are long gone. Liha never speaks of anything from before she began traveling with our Chief Engineer, and we assume she has reasons."

“We really do not take offence I promise. But not just humans are nosey, do not just put that blame on your species Jake.” The only Betazoid in the room added with a cheeky grin. Indigo looked at Jeassaho as she spoke as if she was truly seeing her and shared a glance with Kaylin. She had not realised the woman had been Betazoid at all, she had missed the eyes thanks to looking elsewhere.

"Of course." Kaylin flicked another amused glance at the XO. "Should you ever wish to know our past more deeply, I'm sure we can have that discussion in...private." Her lips held the suggestive pout for a fraction before she returned to the others. "Our story is one you will hear from many among the Rangers this side of Freecloud. Just making our way and keeping the peace where we can. No doubt you understand."

Liha couldn't help grinning a little. Eden probably didn't appreciate it, but the Captain flirting with her-as-Jake was just hard not to enjoy. But the main thing was to smooth past that last little faux pas. "Of course. Given what you do, providing more information about your past or current history wouldn't be prudent, even with allies - especially when those allies are only newly joined."

“Our reputation is better than most thank you very much. We keep our secrets.” Jeassaho teased a little over her Romulan ale.

“Oh, I have heard all about you guys on the grapevine.” Indigo grinned herself. “You are the ones to go to when more muscles are needed.”

"A rumour well-founded, looking at the men before us, I would say," Kaylin agreed, indicating the large humans sat across from them. "But in this case, I hope that muscles are not the only thing you bring. The minefields are a dangerous place even for the strong. It takes bravery as well."

Eden let out a breath and resisted the urge to roll Gregnol's eyes for him. "We will get the job done," he nodded. "In fact, I think we should get down to business now that we've exchanged uh . . . pleasantries."

“Men of very few words always has things going on behind the surface,” Indigo commented looking the three civilians over smiling.

“We have brains. And our navigator has never failed us yet. It is a very uncanny ability that she has.” Jeassaho added soothing Eden telepathically to remind her to relax. Liha was testing and trying to see just how interested the woman was and just how desperate she was to use as a weak link.

"Ah. Good navigators are indeed a rarity in our circles. We will be fortunate to make the use of yours." Kaylin smiled tightly. "Well. Brawn, brains...I wonder what else you have up your sleeve. The mysterious Captain Gregnol and his crew." She lifted the glass as a salute. "No doubt in a few days we will be sharing a glass in celebration."

"Resourcefulness," Liha supplied, smiling as he lifted a glass in return. "That, coupled with the skill for which Fenris is known, should see us through to cause for celebration."

“I agree very much. It will be a useful endeavour with us by each others side.” Indigo said lifting her glass in a mock salute at the trio. She was definitely interested in learning more about them. They had piped her interest enough in a way that was opposite to her Captain in the Executive Officer. Time would tell just how much.


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