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Sickbay Crisis

Posted on Wed May 4th, 2022 @ 8:06pm by Oliver Lucas & Renee Weaver MD & Aarix Teral & Beya

Mission: Mission 15: Adrift
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD-01 21:30
987 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Oliver and Beya were the only actual medical staff on duty when things went to hell. Between them they'd managed to keep the worst patients at the very least in their biobeds, but without power and on emergency lighting it was impossible to know what was actually going on.

Amid the chaos, one of the new doctors Gregnol had hired was on the scene and taking control, which was something Oliver was eternally grateful for. After organising an evacuation call, the two senior medics found themselves face-to-face with Aarix.

“Alright, gimme the news. What's their condition?”

"Dislocated ankle. He can't walk by himself," Oliver explained. The loading bay worker had done himself a stupid injury at what was now the worst possible time.

"I'm here now. Fill me in," said Renee. "How bad is it?"

Oliver looked between the two medical officers. Like London buses...

"Not severe, but his mobility is limited. We'll need a way to get him down to the cargo bay without aggravating the leg," he said.

"Splint the injury and issue a mild pain med if necessary. Do a quick scan to insure it's stable," said Renee. "Who's next?"

"Shock, burns and a mild concussion from a control panel exploding," Beya said as she applied plas-skin to a burn to extensive for simple dermal regeneration. "Check his heart - there was an arrythmia when he came in, I think from the electrical shock."

Renee set her medical bag on a portable trolley. Reaching inside, she grabbed a stethoscope. "I prefer hearing the actual heart sounds myself." She lifted the patient's shirt and pressed the chest piece over the heart and listened.

"A-fib, but it's not severe. We'll treat it with cardioversion. Do we have any meds for that?"

Aarix had heard footsteps behind him and saw Renee show up shortly after he did, gladly letting her take over. While he was more than qualified to do triage stuff, he knew this was more Renee's element than his, given the few interactions they had. "Rhythmol is in cabinet three, section 2e," he told a nearby nurse, who scurried off. Grabbing the nearest medical tricorder, he began to run the scanner down the patient with burns and the arrhythmia, standing on the opposite side of the bed from Renee. "The arrhythmia looks like the only life-threatening thing. I'm not seeing any internal injuries aside from the concussion," Aarix reported.

The sickbay door opened, revealing a man holding a piece of bloody gauze to his forehead.

"I made it, Doc."

"Joe!" Nodding to Aarix, acknowledging that he was handling the patient, Renee moved to the crew member she helped in the corridor outside her room. "I see you've managed the bleeding. Have a seat here." She pointed to a chair. "I'll have someone take care of that, though it may be a bit."

"Thanks, Doc," said Joe.

Renee returned to the others. "Is there anyone else?"

"Only one." Beya jerked her head toward a woman sitting on a biobed further back. "She took a hard ride down a Jeffries tube. Scrapes, contusions, two broken fingers. I set the fingers, but then we got the more serious cases, so I haven't had a chance to do further eval."

"Okay, let's see what we have here," said Renee, moving to the indicated patient. "Do you have any other complaints?"

"My chest hurts, right here." She pointed to the middle of her sternum.

"Can you lift your shirt for me?" said Renee. "Sorry we don't have privacy curtains."

She raised the shirt.

"Whoa! That's quite a bruise," said Renee. She scanned the area. "You have a hairline fracture." She looked at Beya. "Can you treat her with the osteogenic stimulator, please?"

"Yes, doctor," Beya replied, picking up the instrument and heading over. It would take a bit, but thank Goddess at least their hand-helds were working. The larger primary equipment certainly wasn't.

Renee looked around sickbay. Aarix, Beya, and Oliver were each tending to a patient and things seemed well in hand. They just needed to know what happened to the ship.

The one Aarix sent to get medication returned, and Aarix told the nurse to administer it as he finished treating their patient's concussion. Obliging, the nurse grabbed a nearby hypospray and shoved the small vial of medication into it before pressing it to their patient's neck. Aarix heard the hiss and darted his eyes between the unconscious person on the bed and the tricorder, looking for changes as the medication circulated. While not his usual medical practice, he was practically praying that this person wouldn't need electrical cardioversion. With the state the ship was in right now, using really any of sickbay's controls would not be possible.

It felt like forever, but eventually Aarix saw the change in pulse that indicated the medication was working and gently released the breath he was holding. The pulse didn't return to normal yet, but it was improvement, enough that the idea of relocating the patient didn't worry him... as much. "I think this one's ok to move to the cargo hold now," Aarix reported to Renee. Or good enough, at least, he silently added. To the nurse, he told him to get three more doses of the medication, as well as some blood thinner, and put them with a hypo in a transport kit.

"Grab tricorders and portable monitors," Beya said, packing every hand-held device she could gather. "If he needs electrical cardioversion, I can rig something from a tricorder and neural calipers." She figured the engineers would have tools, but made mental note to retrieve her own small tool kit from her quarters whenever - hopefully when, and not if! - she got to go pack a few personal items. She wouldn't really mind going nude if she couldn't get a change of clothes, but she imagined it make some of the other crew uncomfortable.


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