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Simple but effective

Posted on Fri Mar 15th, 2024 @ 11:33pm by Elara ‘Kara’ Vance (*) & Teresa Forrest

Mission: Fractures
Location: Rec Room
Timeline: December 2397
1639 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Elara was sure that she had tracked down everyone who had joined in the last couple of days alongside of her to check that they were in the correct quarters and that the quarters that were suitable apart from an engineer. She just could not seem to track her down at a suitable point of the day which was why she had given up for the day and sat in the bar watching the news. It was a normal news program until a news flash came across the screen about a bombing on Freecloud in one of the outer communes.

“Have you seen this?” She said as someone she did not recognise came into the bar.

"I have not," Tree answered, pausing a moment to take in the news item. She reached up to rub her chin, furrowing her brows, before glancing over to the other woman, deciding to head over there for some conversation. The other woman's hair was bright, shimmering purple, though that was only the second thing Teresa noted about her. "Who on earth would go and do a thing like that? Must be some political motive, I think. Teresa Forrest, Engineering," she introduced herself, extending a hand in greet.

Elara did not at all know what possess someone to do that to a commune that was likely full of children let alone the type of people who would not hurt anyone. Freecloud was full of communes that literally focused on arts and humanities they would not be involved in anything that could cause anything like that. “No one had owned up yet.” She said before glancing at her PADD and the list on it. “Ohhh you are my ghost. Been looking for you.”

Teresa smirked and raised her hands, making spooky claw motions with them. "OoooOOOoo, the ship is haunted," referencing being called a ghost. She snickered, taking a seat next to Elara, curious to the woman she couldn't place. Plus, it made sense to mingle with the rest of the crew a bit while getting settled in. Her face and hands were lightly smudged by some sort of stains of indeterminate origin. "So, what can I do for you?"

"I am Elara. I am the quartermaster and I know you had just joined but I wanted to catch up with everyone around quarter allocation and check that everything was there for you and in good order." Elara explained turning a little from the footage to look at the woman better. It did not seem like some of the quarters had been used in years, they were clean but they were in some times poor upkeep despite the refit. There was only so much money to go around.

Teresa shrugged a bit. "Well, I got assigned some old quarters that - have seen better days. But that's alright, that's just how it goes on a ship of this - fine vintage," She offered an easy smile, tilting her head a bit, fingers tapping a rhythm on the counter. "I'll find some engineer to take a look at it, I suppose," she added with a smirk.

Well that sounded more positive than other people’s reaction to quarter allocation. “Well if there are problems let me know and I can sort it out even if you are an engineer. The Captain had employed me to check everything as things get busier onboard.” She added with a wink. It was easier to fix under one process as some items might be operations.

"Nah, it's fine," Tree waved dismissively. "Nothing some elbow grease and parts won't solve," she added with a smile. "Besides, it has character. I like an old ship. Served on a Miranda for ten years, not much newer than Rosie. There were always things to do, systems to maintain on a girl that - venerable."

"Cannot remember seeing a Miranda in years." The pink-haired woman admitted getting comfortable now that she would not need to get her PADD out to make notes or tickets. If only everyone had that attitude about being on a ship this old.

"Same era as these Constitutions, kind of like a Constitution lite, so to say. Good, dependable boats. Just past their prime though," Teresa shrugged. She had good memories about serving on that Miranda. Bad ones too. But good ones as well. "So what's your story?"

Elara wondered what a Consitution lite actually meant but said nothing as she thought about her story. "Not got much of a story I am afraid. Played sports, got injured and found that I am very good at organising and other things so I ended up here. What about you? Your story has to be better."

Teresa shrugged a bit, leaning against the bar. "Not sure mine is all that good. Joined Starfleet, got disillusioned, quit Starfleet, spent some years freelancing, freelanced my way right onto this boat," she smiled. Truth be told she was getting tired of telling the same story but even though it was old news to her, her chatting partner hadn't heard it yet.

"Ah the story as old as time disillusion." Elara nodded as she glanced at the news. People who got disillusioned either did something like a bombing and ended up on the news or floated around the universe randomly. "Feeling any less disillusioned?" Elara wondered quietly thinking she had been there after the end of her career.

A shrug from the other woman. "Dunno? Maybe? Maybe the universe is just a shitty place and all we can do is just make our way through it. There's a certain charm in being a nobody engineer on an old nobody freighter, you know? Like, when you're in Starfleet you're 'part of something bigger'," Teresa said doing airquotes, "So there's a certain expectation. Out here? Not so much."

“I cannot comment on the part of something bigger in Starfleet as I was never part of that but I did play on a professional sports team so I suppose that is slightly similar. No expectations is not such a bad thing.” Elara was looking forward to having home needing anything from her other than her role. She did not need to always be reaching for next thing.

"It sure isn't," Teresa smiled softly. An honest smile. "The ship sure keeps me busy though. Always something to fix, to coerce into working. It gets the hands dirty, I like that."

“Ships seem to have that issue no matter what age or class. My last ship was an old repurposed for Civie life Cheyenne. She’s only about 50 years and she seemed to break often.” Elara smiled back before it faulted seeing the new flash on the screen as someone claimed the bombing and the rationale behind it. “Sons of Cheron have claimed it.”

"I've not heard of them, who are they?" Teresa asked, curious. Anything 'sons of-' was never a good thing, she'd learned over her years, especially when they were blowing things up. Doubly especially when those things they blew up were civilian settlements.

“They are a political party or at least they like to think they are. They are surviving members of the Maquis mixed with members of the radical New Essentialists. They have never gotten on a universe scale in politics but they have found promise on city and planetary scales. I hate them and view them as extremists and this proves it.” She sighed the group had obviously become frustrated by the lack of attention that their platform has received by the Federation at large so had taken to making scenes.

"Huh," Teresa furrowed her brows, contemplating. "Yeah, this proves their extremism for sure. They're really bold if they openly attack a place like that. Sounds like a group someone should do something about."

Elara inclined her head thinking that there were likely many people considering the options on what to do with them but they were far to big and had an unknown number of personnel and supporters. “Hard to stop when people do not openly support them like other parties.” She said sadly. “I cannot blame voters when our colonies and member worlds are still left in ruins. Worlds like Betazed took far too long to rebuild after they were given up so easily. Our colony worlds have largely been left to fend for themselves as we aid people who were enemies less than 20 years ago.”

Teresa waved dismissively. "I don't know about any of that. I'm just handy at turning a screwdriver, politics I leave to those wiser than me," she offered with a slight smirk. "But yeah, it's all a mess."

The woman smiled. Not everyone was inclined to be political but Elara prided herself on know what could effect her role. She did not want to go anywhere blind. “Cannot say I am wiser but I definitely do not want to go into anywhere blind.”

"You know, that's entirely fair. I prefer to keep my sanity so I'm staying out of politics, but - you do you," Tree smirked before her expression became a bit more serious. "Seriously though, I'm not a leader. I just find someone I like and trust and follow them. Someone I have a good feeling about, that wants to do good in the 'verse. That'll do me."

“Simple but effective philosophy. I like it.” Elara approved leaning out to press her PADD and changed the channel to a movie channel. ”Pick something if you want.” She said passing the PADD over.

"Is there a Godzilla movie on there?" Tree asked as she took the PADD, before even looking at the list. "Giant stompy lizard tends to make for fun amusement. You never know what you get, just a silly kaiju fight or a deep dive into the duality of man. Either is good."


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