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One and a Half Orions Walk into a Bar

Posted on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 7:44pm by Chief Comms Rivek & Beya
Edited on on Fri Jun 7th, 2024 @ 8:06pm

Mission: Fractures
Location: SS Mary Rose - Bar
Timeline: 2397
3862 words - 7.7 OF Standard Post Measure

It felt odd, being in a new place—a starship, at that. Rivek went from being the most networked person on Jerichon to being cast out into space with no connection to anyone. He could read up on his fellow crewmembers' dossiers. But there was no chance they would be forgiving if he were caught. Rivek would have to do this the hard way: small talk and liaising. He figured the bar would be a good place to start. Drinks would help him shake the anxiety and, hopefully that of the other crewmates there. He strode to the bar and ordered himself a stiff ale. From there, he scanned the counter, seeing what people looked willing for an approach.

A little way down the bar, a full-blooded Orion was nursing a Ripley's mojito. Normally, when in port Beya would have been enjoying the city, but she someone had to be onboard for medical and it was her turn. Or had been. But now that her shift was over she just wanted to unwind a bit before deciding whether to venture out or rack out for the night. The arrival of what was clearly a hybrid sparked her interest though. Not only someone new to ship, but someone with her skin tone. "Hi," she ventured. "I'm Beya."

The man turned to find the woman. She seemed young but comfortable in the bar. No doubt, she picked up on Rivek's dual heritage. Orions tended to pick out the pointed ears and brows quicker than other species. A smile spread across his lips and he leaned against the countertop. "Rivek," he said. It was a relief to not have to make the first move. "I'm new here, what's the best drink?"

"Obviously new," Beya chuckled. "I'm in medical and would have seen you if you'd been here long. And the best drink depends on your tastes. Me, I like a Ripley's with Orion rum. You..." she tipped her head to the side, eying his ear tips. A vulcanoid hybrid - he wasn't the first she'd seen; there was practically a cottage industry back home for providing 'pon farr services', and while Orion women were generally careful about controlling their fertility, half the time the men only bothered if it was written into a contract. "I'd say maybe a Smoky Sunset - Orion rum and Vulcan spice tea?"

Rivek raised a brow, impressed at the suggestion. Rum was not his go-to liquor. But, he missed home and the tea was a way to enjoy home among the stars. He nodded to the bartender, who happened to hear the drink order. The prospect of a medic was intriguing. He had a few doctors in his network that broke confidentiality and gave Rivek information for extortion. "Is it common for crewmates to visit sickbay on arrival? Or is working on a ship that dangerous?" He chuckled to pass it off as a joke. But he truly didn't know how a ship operated.

"Not that dangerous. As long as you don't hack off a Romulan or get too close when the chief engineer is playing with explosives," she replied, but flashed a quick grin and gave a wink to show it was said (mostly) in jest. "But dropping by medbay to get a baseline scan and make sure the docs know if you have any issues before there might be an emergency is just a good idea so anyone with a decent amount of shipboard experience does it."

Rivek laughed softly. "Thanks for the tip. I was going to head straight to piss some Romulans off after this." The bartender slid the Smoky Sunset across the bar. Rivek took a sip contemplated her advice about visiting sickbay. "Sounds prudent. Especially since I'm still getting my space legs." The earthy drink settled into a warm sweetness in his stomach. He shifted slightly to face Beya more directly. "So how does an Orion medic end up on a ship like this? Did you fall into it, or seek it out?"

"A little of both," she said with an eloquent shrug. "I couldn't afford the bribes to get into medical school back home, and I didn't have education credentials anyone in the Federation would take, so I've been hopping ships, picking up jobs and experience. Mary Rose was the first one where I didn't have to seduce anybody to get some training. In fact, the Doctor even set up remote medical courses so I can get some real credit." She took a sip of her drink and smiled. "So what about you? What brings you aboard?"

Rivek's expression softened. He valued Beya's candidness. "I can appreciate your determination," he said. His eyes remained focused on her as he sipped from his glass. "As for me," he paused. He couldn't reveal too much. Maybe someone here was tied to a target of his. "Let's just say I'm in search of a new beginning. My previous... endeavors," he chose his words carefully, "were lucrative but not exactly... fulfilling." He looked past the bar to the stars beyond the windows. A deep swelling of greatness swelled in him. He couldn't tell if it was the drink or a sense of adventure. "But I'm curious about what lies out there. And what impact I truly have in the galaxy."

Wow. He was a lot younger, or had been a lot more sheltered, than she'd thought. Most Orions outgrew that 'have an impact on the galaxy' idea by 15. Of course, Vulcans were longer lived and matured differently. "That's ...ambitious," she replied. "It is good to see what's out there. I've gotten to see a lot crewing various transports. It gives you perspective."

"Perspective," Rivek repeated. His voice carried the weight of a memory in it. He took a deep sip. "I guess I'm looking to redefine what impact means on a personal level. Much like you, I have a set of useful set of skills. I didn't use them wisely, and now I'm here." He looked around the bar to see the camaraderie. The ship was full of people coming from different backgrounds but were all able to work together. Even among his closest contacts, he never found a sense of belonging. "I got lucky finding a place where I'm welcome."

"I didn't have to seduce anyone either." He turned back to Beya with a smile. "So after you finish your courses, what's next? Starting your own practice somewhere?"

"Seducing people isn't so bad." She shrugged, and flashed a very Orion grin. "But it is nice to feel valued for more than that. As to what I'll do when I finish the courses..." She lifted the glass, swirling the drink. "I don't know. I might find a hospital or set up a practice on FreeCloud, or back home..." she shook her head slightly - no, it would be fun to see people's faces when she came back Dr. Beya, but she couldn't see hanging around, "...but more likely I'll be a ship doctor. I like travelling. And I'll stay here for awhile anyway. I feel like I'd owe Rosie a few years for helping me get there."

Rivek thought of home. A deep growl came from his stomach. He'd never been homesick before. This is the farthest he's been from Jerichon. "I suppose I'm stuck a ship too. I don't see myself settling down any time soon." He looked beyond the bar to the windows. He smirked, "I guess I'm just here for the thrill of adventure. Just see what the universe has to offer." He turned back to the medic. "What scenic views it has to offer."

Beya smiled. He was pretty scenic himself. "We're not stuck on the ship - at least in port. I was debating whether to go out clubbing or ...stay in and see what the universe might offer here." She grinned a little, leaving it to him to take either offer, or not.

Considering the options, Rivek thought about them. He still wasn't super familiar with the ship himself, but he couldn't remember the last time he went out. He chuckled to himself before downing the last half of his drink. This wasn't where he thought the evening would end up. "Let's check out the club. But just a heads-up—I've yet to find someone who can match my endurance on the dance floor."

"Oh, really?" Beya laughed. Most guys - even fully Orion guys - would think twice about making a claim like that around an Orion woman. "I'll be impressed if you can match my endurance," she said with a wink, as she slipped off the bar stool.

"You underestimate my Vulcan stamina," Rivek said. He waved his arm open towards the door of the bar. "Since you know where we're going, I'll let you lead the way." Truth is, he hardly remembered where the airlock was.

"Can't wait to test it out," she laughed and threw a wink as she headed out the door, hips swaying. She wasn't worried about looking back - even without his implied agreement to follow, it was rare a man didn't follow her, and if one didn't, there were always plenty available at any club. But as they got to the airlock, she tossed a question over her shoulder. "There are a few clubs to choose from. How much of your Orion heritage do you know? Can you do an Orion tango?"

Rivek paused before answering. His entire life, he encountered Orions. However, he never felt like he was one of them. On the other hand, his green skin prevented him from being fully accepted by the Vulcans. "I didn't know my father, and my mother is a staunch Vulcan. Most of my interactions were with Orion pirates, who didn't teach me much other than some curse words."

"I'm surprised you even learned how to dance being raised by a staunch Vulcan," she said, looking more carefully now at how he carried himself. "So what type of dance do you know, or like?"

"When I was young, there were some Vulcan dances that seemed similar to Orion stage dancing," said Rivek. "And they had us learn tam t'tash. Imagine human ballet, but ten times slower."

That sounded horrible. Yes, some Orion dances used slow, languorous motion to entice, but she'd seen human ballet and ...Nope. "Well, that sounds nothing at all like Orion dance," she said, ushering him out and onto the road toward town. " Come on, we'll go somewhere with a mix of styles and I'll teach you how to really dance."

Rivek was enthused by the idea. The clubs on Jerichon were some of his best memories in his slightly younger years. He could only imagine what interstellar clubs were like. He followed her through a path. "What exactly is this club?"

"It's called the Green Ember," she said, turning down a side street and then cutting through across to an alley. "It's a little out of the way. But fun - eclectic music and food," she smiled a little thinking of the variety of both, "and the proprietress is a hybrid like you, so it's spot others feel welcome. You'll fit right in." At least she hoped so, once he picked up on how to dance something other than slow ballet anyway.

"I'm looking forward to it," said Rivek. He noted the streets they were walking through. They seemed both familiar and alien at the same time. He was disoriented, making note not to lose track of Beya lest he needed to find his way back to the ship. He could hear the rumbles of a deep pulse. "It sounds like we're getting near."

"Yes, just ahead," she said, pointing to a door over hung with a rough orb that gave a green glow with random 'crackles' of light to represent the club's namesake. As they got there, Beya flashed a smile at the man at the door, who nodded and stepped back, allowing them to enter.

Once inside the theme came even more alive with hints of neon green light running along the edges of the dance floor, and a bar accented with trim in gold and brass. The club was larger than it appeared on the outside, with good sized dance floor (already much in use by a varied crowd) as well as tables and booths set into arched alcoves along the walls. On a step up dais a live band composed of Orion, Cait, Bolian and what looked to be hybrid of Klingon and Cait, played a Tellarite bachata. "Come on," she said, crooking a finger at Rivek as she glided toward the dance floor. "Let's see what you've got."

Rivek could use a few more drinks to really loosen up. His mind sunk into the beat. He felt his blood pulse like a metronome. With every step into the dance floor, the more his knees bent and his shoulders swayed. His arms came up, and his elbows tucked. He was by no means a bad dance. But, basic. He watched the movement of his partner and slowly started complimenting it with his own flair.

It was dancing ...sort of... Beya decided. He had a decent sense of rhythm at least, and though obviously unschooled, maybe he'd pick things up with a good example and some encouragement. So she adopted an open form, circling with a combination of samba, kizomba, and Orion movement that would put the hip movement of earth Latin dances to shame. He'd pick it up or not - for now she just let the music take her.

Before long, she felt arms circle her waist from behind as someone else decided to 'cut in'. In a club with so many Orions and hybrids, multiple partners was hardly unexpected, especially as she and Rivek weren't dancing as though they were actually together. Still, she didn't feel right leaving the new guy on his own, so she when she felt hands wander, she twirled away - only be pulled back.

Noticing the change in Beya’s demeanor, Rivek felt a bubbling warmth beneath his skin. Anger? Confusion? He couldn't tell. To the beat he swayed his way over, his expression calm but firm. "Everything alright here?" he asked, his tone friendly without compromising a sense of seriousness.

He looked to Beya with a raised brow, signaling his readiness to support her. To the newcomer, Rivek extended a polite but clear boundary. "I believe the lady could use some space," he said with a diplomatic smile, subtly positioning himself in a way that gave Beya the room to rejoin him or move freely.

Well, he might not have much dance instruction, but someone had taught him good manners. Beya smiled at Rivak, moving more in his direction. "Quite right. It's a little early in the evening for moves leading off the dance floor," she said casting a conciliatory wink at the other guy. There was no reason to insult him, after all, and he took the hint, moving off a bit, but still dancing near them.

Before long a woman did too. "You need to move your hips more," she told Rivek, shimmying against him encouragingly.

Laughing softly, Rivek looked down at his hips as if they were separate entities he was negotiating with. "They're a bit stiff, but I'm working on warming them up," he joked, attempting to mimic the woman’s movements with a playful awkwardness. As the song continued, he seemed to loosen up more. His eyes fixed on Beya's hands and feet, his body responding in kind.

The woman laughed, and Beya did too. "Once you warm up maybe we can try some more interesting dances," Beya said.

Rivek smiles. It has been a while since he's been at a club or danced. "It's going to take a few more Smoky Sunsets before I'm ready for that."

"Then let's get you some," Beya laughed, and looked at the other woman with a smile. "I'm Beya. I'll stand you a drink if you can help me teach Rivek here some Orion dances. Poor fellow never got a proper education."

"Vana," the other supplied. "My 'date' seems to have gone off with his boys, so I'm glad to find some," she wrapped a hands around both their arms with sly smile, "to drink and dance with."

"Vana," repeats the Vulcanoid, "I'm Rivek." He continues dancing at the two of them end up getting closer as the songs go on.

"See, it's all about the hips," Vana instructed, placing her hands on Rivek's hips to guide him through the motions.

Just as Rivek was starting to get the hang of the dance, a burly Andorian, entered the bar with his friends. His face twisted in anger, storming over to the dancers.

"What's going on here?" The man demanded, his voice booming over the music. The scent of alcohol filled the air around them. He pushes Rivek, who falls to the edge of a table.

Rivek stands back up, his hands open in front of him, "Hey, we were just dancing!" He looks at Vana, who rolls her eyes at the Andorian. It must have been her date.

"Dancing?" He yells, his antenna twitching in anger. "With my girl?"

"Your girl?" Vana snapped back, stepping between the two men. "You left me here alone, Thrax. Besides, we're just having fun."

Seeing Thrax's collapsed fists, Rivek puts a gentle hand on the small of Vana's back. He moves to face Thrax. "Look, man, I don't want any trouble. We were—"

Rivek saw a blur of blue. He was able to dodge, but stepped back onto another patron. Unfortunately for Rivek, it was the man that tried dancing with Beya earlier in the night. He shoved Rivek right back into Thrax and his friends. Rivek blocked and dodged a few punches, but was quickly overpowered as Thrax's squad pushed in. Rivek saw green blood stream from his brow.

It is simply not possible to have a simple fight in a crowded bar. Several things happened at once. Vana snarled "Do you think you own me?" as she punched Thrax square in the jaw. Beya dropped and a dragon kick, taking down a couple of Thrax's gang that were about to grab Vana and then seeing Rivek go down, she grabbed a bottle and threw it, hitting one of the Andorians right between the antennae. He was stunned enough to stumble into another table of patrons, who until that moment had been ignoring the squabble on the dance floor, but now were quite irate about a large Andorian landing in the middle of their drinks and meal.

"You're going to pay for that!' a big Thracian yelled, picking the Andorian up by the collar and starting to pummel him.

This had the effect of drawing off some of Thrax's party to face off against the other group attacking one of theirs. And also spreading the fight to surrounding groups. By the time Beya had worked around to see the blood on Rivek's face, it had reached the pointed where chairs were being thrown. "Hey! Leave him be!" she told the two that seemed intent on a beat down, and kicked out the larger one's knee to emphasize the point.

Rivek kept a firm hand on his brow. He struggled to his feet. "Thanks," he spits. He looked around the club, seeing that the whole place had erupted into chaos. The DJ kept the music bumping as the fight continued. This must have been a normal occurrence. "We need to get out of here before it gets worse." His eyes scanned the back walls and spotted an exit. "This way."

"Good idea," Beya said, even as she ducked under a swing, and caught the man and threw him at a different group of brawlers. Another stepped toward her, but intent on getting to the exit - she could see the shimmer of a shield around the band, and knew that when that went up the alert to the local police did too - she drew a knife and fixed the guy with enough of a do-not-try-me glare that he thought better of it and directed his attention elsewhere. She put her free hand on Rivek. "Can you walk?"

Rivek pulled himself up to his feet. His knees ached, but he could still put weight on them. "Yeah, but I'm not sure for how long. Let's get moving." He led the way through the fight. He dodged a flying bottle and stopped just before a bouncer tackled another patron. He pushed the exit door open and slipped past the threshold. He slumped himself on the wall, and slowly sat back down. "I don't feel very well."

"I think we're okay here for now," Beya said after a quick glance both ways to be sure. She was glad she'd had her belt medkit with her at the ship lounge and so had carried it along, because it didn't take medical training to see he'd taken a beating. "Let me have a look," she said, gently pulling his hand from his brow, as she ran her medscanner. "That's a nasty cut and it looks like you have a hairline fracture at the occipital lobe. There's some internal bruising, but while that probably hurts like a brizzt, it's not serious." She pulled a hypo and administered analgesic. " I can patch the cut here or we can head back, but either way we need to get back to Rosie for the fracture."

Rivek winced at the diagnosis. He placed his hand back on his forehead to apply pressure. He stumbled on to his feet. "I think I can make it, but I don't remember the way." He leaned against the wall of the club. A sly smile crept across his lips. "You know, I thought I was just going to have a quiet night tonight. But I guess it's been too long since I last had an adventurous night." He walked forward into the street. He was stable, but couldn't walk completely in a straight line.

"It's okay. I know how to get back," Beya said, slipping under his arm and wrapping her arm his waist to help support him. "I'd thought I was just grabbing a drink on the ship," she laughed. "But if you've joined this crew, get used to unexpected adventures."

Rivek hobbled across the city streets back to where the Mary Rose. He chuckled, touched by a soreness on his side. He winced, but kept his levity. "Well, it can only get better from here." He followed Beya's direction. "So, you think you could patch me up when we get back?"

"Yeah, nothing you need the real Doc for. I've worked enough merchant ships I could handle most bar fight injuries in my sleep," " she assured, and cast a grin at him. "Don't worry. You won't have even a trace of scar marring that pretty face."

"Thank goodness for you, then," Rivek said. He's unable to hide his discomfort. "Because I'm not charming enough without it."


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