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What Have You Been Up To?

Posted on Fri Feb 2nd, 2018 @ 11:19pm by Dixoho Saa (*)

Mission: Mission 5 - Liberation
Location: Deck 6 - Crew Bar
Timeline: MD -03 21:00
1054 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

As she sat, watching the stars flashing past the Crewbar window she felt the drain of color and warmth to her world, a familiar, hardy laugh gripped at her faculties, pulling her mind back from the never in which it was dwelling and into the here and now, into the Crewbar, into her seat, into the various twitches and pangs which jolted along her nerves and forced her face into varying uncomfortable grimaces as she remembered the pain from where she had fallen through the floor in the newly opened area. She glanced around and saw a group of Security Crewmen around the Armoury Chief. Damn it… why did the man have to be in the Crew bar when she was looking so bad with a cut across her temple and a few bruises.

"...and then the Priest said, that's not holy water!!" Micheal finished the punchline of the joke he had just been telling to his people. As everyone laughed, he casually glanced around the bar. When his eyes landed on Dixoho, they stopped moving. He saw that she was a bit banged up, and figured it was from her doing work somewhere on the ship. Excusing himself from the group, he grabbed two coffees from the replimat and then made his way over to her table. Offering one of the coffees to the bruised woman, he asked, may I join you?"

Dixoho looked back to the window, willing herself to finish her whiskey and go to bed without attracting attention. She should have gone to the Ward Room. She jumped as the man suddenly appeared at her shoulder with something warm in his hands. “Um...”She breathed, not at all sure it was wise but it was like a moth to a flame, what was developing between them. “I guess.” She breathed finally, glancing back to the group he had left and their interested gazes.

"Thanks," he said softly. As he sat across the table from her, his eyes followed to where she was looking. Seeing his people trying to act noninterested on the table. Giving them a hard stare of his own, they all quickly decided to go about their business. Before Dixoho turned back to face him, his expression softened. "You okay?"

Dixoho watched as the group looked away shooting warning looks at each other as Micheal obviously caught them watching interestedly. "I'm okay I guess." She poured her whiskey into her coffee without a thought of the painkillers she had been given.

Micheal's eyebrows rose slightly as he watched Dixoho pour the whiskey into the coffee. "Well, That's certainly a flavor that the replicate won't give you." Looking at her wounds, he continued, "Should I ask what the other guy looks like?"

"I don't know, me and the replicator are like this." She crossed her fingers. She seemed to be one of the few people who got the replicator to play ball and do what she wanted. "I... I am fine... it looks worse than it is." She lied, knowing full well she looked as bad as she felt. Why was he suddenly turning up in moments of weakness?

Sensing her discomfort, he asked softly, "Is there anything I can help you with? You know, four hands are better than two."

"Um... I have already fallen through the floor." She shrugged. "I was being foolish looking through the old areas of the ship trying to find space for a astrometrics lab." It was her dream to be able to work in something like that. It would make everything so much easier, she might not be able to join Starfleet due to medical reasons but she could bring that standard to the ship.

Micheal thought for a few seconds, then replied. "Well, next time you go searching, I'll go with you. It would not be a good thing to get hurt down there and be all alone."

Dixoho indicated to the bruises and cut. “Like I am gonna damage myself anymore. You don’t have to be nice.” She told him softly with a small sound as she took a sip of the Irish coffee.

He shrugged slightly as he responded. "Can't help it. I'm nice to those I care about."

“Stop it.” She whispered glancing about to see if anyone was watching still. “I have a boyfriend.” She said quickly knowing that she and the Engineer were just fooling around.

Giving her a small grin, Micheal retorted. "We don't have to be a couple for me to care about you. You are a kind, intelligent woman, whom I think of as a good friend. I care about my friends." He, of course, wouldn't admit that there was a part of him that wanted more. However, now that she said that she was in a relationship, he would not act on those feelings. He respected her too much to threaten what they did have.

“Then stop looking at me like you want to eat me.” She retorted back thinking of the turbolift having decided what the looks he kept giving her was.

Dropping his eyes, his face turned slightly pink. "I'm..I'm sorry," he whispered. He was quiet for a few tense seconds. He felt that he had insulted her somehow. Suddenly, he wanted nothing else but to get away. "I'm sorry... I forgot that the Captain wanted me to do something. See ya around." He stood and quickly made his way out of the bar. Once outside, he turned the nearest corner, down another corridor and another turn saw that no one was near. He then growled and punched the bulkhead, hard. Hard enough that he heard a soft crack. He instantly knew that he had broken at least one of the bones in his hand. Flexing the injured hand, he could tell that the break was minor. Possibly just a crack.

Dixoho watched him leave. That man was impossible, to say the least, he had come to the ship to steal her away and now it looked like something was developing between them that left them both confused by the looks of things. Dixoho just didn't know what to believe.


Dixaho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Micheal Robertson
Chief Armory Officer/Bounty Hunter
SS Mary Rose/Shuttle Alexandria


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