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Coming To Senses Again

Posted on Wed May 2nd, 2018 @ 5:12pm by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Johnathen Anderson Jr

Mission: Mission 6 - Azzia
Location: Deck 5 - VIP Quarters
Timeline: MD 08 17:00
999 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Johnathen slowly started to wake, a smile filled his face. The night before had been far more than he could have imagined. Twisting slightly, his body began to send the many protestations of pain to his brain. Cassie had been right about one thing, she did cause him some pain during their lovemaking. However, as he had told her, he had dpne everything he could do to prepare himself. He knew, of course, that as he wasn't Vulcan, he would never be completely ready. But, he would take what she gave him without complaint. She was worth every bruise and ache he was feeling.

As he continued to awaken, he suddenly realized that Cassie wasnt in bed next to him. Opening his eyes, he called out, his voice croaking slightly. "Cas? Cas, are you here, sweetheart?"

“Hi...” A voice whispered from the chair in the corner against the transparent aluminum partition that she never moved. She had spent the last hour staring at him, ashamed and intrigued by the bruise that could seen on his shoulders that she had obviously given him. Cassie sat there in just his shirt having found it by the door.

Turning towards her voice, Johnathen's smile grew, even when his body screamed at him for moving. Slowly, he sat up, draping his legs over the side of the bed, facing Cassie. "Hey.." he cooed softly. "What are you doing all the way over there? Come back to bed. It'sstill too early to be awake."

“Nath it’s been days. Have you actually left?” she whispered slowly standing up holding out a bottle of water and a hypospray. Her hands were shaking but she looked a lot more under control from two days previously.

Standing as well, Johnathen wobbled slightly, then straightened. "Whoa..I'm okay," he said quietly. Then, he smiled at Cassie. "Of course I didn't leave. We're mated. There is nowhere else in all of creation that I want to be, then here, by your side."

"You should have Nath. The option was there." She whispered softly shaking her head concerned at him.

Moving to stand right in front of Cassie, Johnathen took the offered glass and quickly consumed the refreshing fluid. He then offered his throat to her to inject him with the hypo that she was holding. "Why are you so determined to have me leave? Do you not wish to share your life and your love with me? Have I done something to warrant losing you?"

"Nath... I meant when I was sleeping. Pon Farr for me is very simple, being with my partner or sleeping... for you, it won't be the same." She murmured softly as she pressed the hypo against his neck for a moment before she kissed where she had pressed the hypo in.

Johnathen purred softly when Cassie kissed his neck. After putting the glass down, he guided her back to the chair that she had just been sitting in, sat down, and then pulled her down onto his lap. After wrapping his arms around her, he looked up into her beautiful dark eyes. "Sweetheart," he began, his voice soft and full of love. "You have to realize that now, what ever happens to you, happens to me. We are bonded as the traditions of your Vulcan half dictate." He was silent for a couple beats, then continued. "I have an idea. As we have just followed the Vulcan Bonding ceremonial path, perhaps next, we could observe the typical Human marriage rites? That way, both halves of your heart and soul will be completely interlaced with mine. What do you think? Will you marry me?"

Cassie smiled at Johnathen as she curled up in his lap. She held her breath for a moment, listening to him speak as she lay her head on his shoulder, it was the most perfect sound in the universe to her there and then. She knew their bond didn't work the way that it had with Tevir, as he wasn't telepathic, but they were still linked. "My heart and soul is completely interlaced with yours, Anderson."

Johnathen grinned warmly at his mate. "I don't think you've ever called me by my family name, my love." He tilted his head slightly to one side. "It's kinda sexy." He stretched his neck up to kiss the beautiful woman in his arms.

"Mmmm... don't. That isn't sexy." She whispered softly blinking away the feeling going through her. She couldn't remember the last few days but she was sure that they hadn't slept much. "You need to go to medical." She suddenly realised remembering the bruises she had seen.

Johnathen gave Cassie an odd look, then responded. "I think it is, sweetheart. As for the bruises, I'll be fine. However, if it would make you happy, I'll go to sickbay and have the Doc look at me. Is that what you want, honey?"

"It would make me happier if I knew you were 100% yourself." She assured him as she brushed a kiss over the bruise thst she could see on his shoulder. "Go have a shower. I'll go get us some food and then we need to talk some more." She told him, slowly moving away from him physically, but she was still there in his mind, soothing.

Finally acquiescing to Cassie's gentle prodding, Johnathen sighed softly and then stood. He suddenly began to listen to his sore body, as he made his way to the well-appointed bathroom that came with the V.I.P. quarters that the Captain had allowed them to use as a present. Within moments, he was standing in the large shower stall, hands braced against the bulkhead, as the hot water began to cascade over his back. He closed his eyes and just stood there, enjoying the feeling of the water working out his aches and pains.


Cassie McAvoy
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Johnathen Anderson Jr
Helm Officer
SS Mary Rose
PNPC Robertson


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