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Let's Dance! Part 2

Posted on Sun Jul 15th, 2018 @ 6:48pm by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Dodian Carli & Mazzin Vayri & Johnathen Anderson Jr

Mission: Mission 7 - Sabotage
Location: SS Mary Rose, shuttlebay
Timeline: Immediately following "You Are Cordially Invited..."
1624 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Now that the wedding was over, Tucker felt like he could relax at the reception. He'd hit the bar up first thing and got a double scotch before he started making his way around, trying to get to know some of the other crew.

Dodian had watched the curious exchange of gifts and displays of emotion being shown by many of the crew. She didn't know of weddings that gave physical gifts as any El-Aurian wedding was gifts of the mind, pieces of knowledge to better serve the couple on their long journey through life together and even at that she was struggling to come up with anything helpful for them. It was nice though, couples joining and she had rarely seen it in her short lifetime... anything she had seen was forced and unwanted back with the Orions.

She walked up to the bar and stood beside a rather tall gentleman with a beard, she ordered a water and looked over at him. "Nice to see people in love, makes me believe that it is real sometimes," she said out loud, kind of aimed at Tucker.

Tucker glanced over at the woman, unable to help the chuckle that escaped his throat before he took a drink from his glass. "I'm not the best one to talk to about love, darlin'. My ex-wife took off the moment I lost the status of being a Starfleet officer."

"She sounded a superficial woman then if you don't mind me saying." Dodian replied sipping her water. "Not all high and mighty organisations are worth it anyway... I've been on my own for the past 50 years, all my life if you don't count slaver ships." Again she stated as if it was a normal occurrence. He saw Tucker looking at her, she let out a little smile, "I'm Dodian."

"Call me Tucker," He took a moment to look her over, being on her own for that long eliminated a lot of races considering how young she looked. After another sip from his drink, he continued the conversation. "She was the right woman for the career I had, not the right woman for me."

Dodian replied with a weak smile. "Sometimes it's better being on your own, no-one can let you down that way but I realize that can be a pretty depressing notion." she almost laughed realizing she was in fact at a wedding reception and probably not the best place to be talking about such dark or unhappy thoughts. "Still though... at least some people are happy." Dodian tipped her glass to the newlyweds.

Tucker chuckled, he held up his glass, before taking another drink from it and nodding to Dodian, "You're right, we're at a reception. That means drinking and dancing." After knocking back what little was left in his glass, he offered her his hand. "Care to dance with me Dodian?"

She blushed, actual colour filling her cheeks. "Ehm I don't know how to dance..." she hesitantly revealed. The only dancing she ever saw was the type of dancing in 'gentlemen's clubs' in the Orion Syndicate. Never anything sophisticated or respectful. Looking at his hand it could be seen that a little fear had crept in, to touch another soul was not something she usually did but something about Tucker seemed trusting... for her that was a lot.

Tucker arched one of his brows and smiled at her, "You don't know how? Oh darlin' then you're in good hands. I'll teach you a few simple dances, nothing too crazy. I don't know that I could teach full-on ball room dancin'."

"O-Ok." she said hesitantly taking his hand. "Why would you dance with a ball though? That seems like it would get in the way..." she asked confused as they approached the dance floor.

Tucker laughed at her question as they walked to the dance floor, "No, no it's... A ballroom is a big room where formal parties called balls are held. Because it's a more formal event, the dancing is more orginized and formal. This is a reception, we're just here to have fun."

Dodian nodded politely, she'd let Tucker lead the way and maybe teach her a few steps. "Then fun it is." she replied almost wooden. Fun wasn't exactly in her forte but she was willing to give it a go with him to see if it stuck.

Waiting for the proper time, Lhaes walked up to Cassie a second time. There already had been a few dances but now he did think it was time. "Would you honour me with a dance?" he asked her, not wanting to have put his good shoes on without putting them to their intended use: dancing.

Cassie smiled at the man and nodded, she had been wondering when someone would get brave and ask her to dance. "I would be honoured." She said kissing Johnathen's cheek and stood from her seat to follow the man out to where other people were dancing.

Holding out his hand, the Romulan led her onto the floor and quickly swirled her around to the beat of the music. "Just follow my lead," he whispered to her, "I know what I'm doing and I promise no to step on your toes."

Cassie took the offered hand with a small laugh. “I think I can do that.” She assured hoping that she could. She had never danced with anyone apart from Johnathen.

After watching Cassie and the Doctor spin around the dance floor for a few minutes, Johnathen got up and made his way over to them. "Mind if I cut in?" He glanced at Lheas as he approached.

Stopping her mid spin, Lhaes smiled and by spinning her in a little pirouette, spun her into her husband's arms. "Not at all sir," he said, smile widening. He offered Cassie a polite bow. "It was my pleasure ma'am, thank you for this dance."

Cassie let out a breathless laugh as she wrapped an arm around the man again and grinned. "Anytime."

Johnathen's smile warmed when Cassie wrapped her arm around him. He then took her into his arms and spun her around slowly, as one of their favorite slow songs started to play. As they moved as one across the dance floor, the young pilot didn't care that they were being watched by the rest of the ship's company and crew. All he cared about at that moment, was the beautiful woman in his arms.

Mazzin took her time coming into reception. The entire concept of the wedding had her confused. Why did anyone need some big to do to partner together? What was the point of a big show of it? The only reason she came to the party was the promise of drinks and maybe dancing. Lindsey banned all drinking while engaged in the program because so many former slaves were controlled by drinks, it was a form of addiction to break, it hadn't been for her, but it had been for some others who had worked through the rescue alongside of her. Now that she was on her own, Mazzin was feeling the desire to try some drinks ut o her own. She moved closer to the bar and looked over her options and made a face fairly quickly. She had no idea what she liked.

"Not a fan of alcohol?" Adrian asked as he walked up to the woman, "I can recommend a fair few drinks if you're into the sweet stuff..." He smiled and held out his hand. "Adrian Sage."

"Mazzi Vayri." she said with a gentle smile, "Honestly, I'm not certain what I like. I've not had alcohol in about 8 years? Before then it was sparingly and mostly a Betazoid version of wine." she said. "I would love a recommendation."

Turning, Adrian ordered a few drinks, and within a few seconds handed a brown coloured, fizzy drink to her. "Bacardi cola," he told her, "it's a bit sweet and can be considered strong...but quite lovely if mixed well."

"Much like me perhaps?" Mazzin grinned as she pulled the drink close and took a sip.

As the night got later, the party started to wrap up. The cake had been cut. The flowers and garter tossed. Everyone had given the young newlyweds they gifts and wishes of a long happy life together. As the witching hour approached, Johnathen got up and spoke to the whole group. "On behalf of my lovely bride and I, I want to thank everyone for their love and support. You made tonight a night that we both will remember always. We are both very honored to be on this ship, with all of you. Some we have know for, well, a long time. Others, we have just recently met. But tonight, the differences between end. You are all our shipmates, our friends, our family, and we love each of you. Thank you again, for everything you have done for us."

Looking over at Cassie, Johnathen grinned again, before continuing. "Now, Cassie and I are going to slip out of here. Please, everyone, stay and continue to enjoy yourselves!" He then moved to take Cassie's hand into his, and the young couple left the shuttlebay, heading off to enjoy their first night as husband and wife.


Johnathen Anderson Jr
SS Mary Rose
PNPC Robertson

Micheal Robertson
Chief Armory Officer / Bounty Hunter
SS Mary Rose/Shuttle Alexandria

Mazzin Vayri
SS Mary Rose

Dodian Carli
Chief Science Officer
SS Mary Rose

Cassie McAvoy
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Lhaes Sommers
Senior medic
SS Mary Rose

Tucker Youngblood
Chief Operations Officer
SS Mary Rose


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