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You Brought Me A Prize

Posted on Tue Apr 9th, 2019 @ 7:24pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Dixoho Saa (*) & Chief Petty Officer Nathan Kline
Edited on on Tue Apr 9th, 2019 @ 7:25pm

Mission: Mission 8 - Shattered
Location: ISS Fenrir
Timeline: MD03 13:00
1348 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Jeassaho looked around the office taking in the weapons and the huge painting on the wall to her left. It was of a planet burning and she had already worked out what planet it was. Looking up and around at the architecture and funny quirks in the ceiling, she would know a Starfleet Ship anywhere. Her arms were tied behind her back but it didn’t stop her twisting to see who was coming in the door.

Being the executive office of the ship you served on had its advantages. Nathan smirked as he moved through the corridor and ended up outside his office. As the door parted he took a few steps and stopped as his eyes fell on the bound women. With a tilt of his head he backed up into the hallway to make sure he was in the correct room. “Uh...hello.” Smooth Nathan. he scolded himself as he resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

Jeassaho turned a little more to look at the man and rolled her eyes at him. “And you are?” She demanded obnoxiously as she saw the uniform. She had been grabbed by people dressed like him and tossed in here bound with a lot of snorting and laughing about the Captain dealing with her.

“Nathan Kline, I uh,” He started to stumble. “Executive officer.” He finished once the desire to say his prior position passed. “I don’t think you are supposed to be here.” He said blatantly. He hoped like hell Dixaho didn’t find out about this. She would never let him forget was a bumbling idiot he could be. This time his desire to roll his eyes couldn’t be suppressed.

“Which part told you that? The tied or the fact I look a bit dishevelled?” Jeassaho wondered as he came around to stand in front of her.

He knew her face, he just couldn’t place her. It was going to bug him until he figured it out. “Actually it was the fact that if my wife finds you here I will never live it down.” He joked. “The ropes and bondage are to each their own.” He moved into the office allowing the door to close behind him.

As the door went to close it reopened and the wife in question walked in without a second thought and stopped just inside the door to allow it to close as she looked at Nathan wide-eyed after spotting Jeassaho. “You shouldn’t be here.” She whispered.

The Engineer looked at Dixoho and rolled her eyes again. “The Saboteur is your wife. Wow, nice taste. I bet she likes ropes and bondage.”

“You don’t know who that is do you?” Dixoho demanded looking at how relaxed her husband was.

“See…” He started in his practiced nonchalance. “She looked familiar, but I can’t quite place her.” He could tell by the agitation D was showing that this wasn’t a good situation to be in. “I am getting the feeling that this is yet another person you have just killed during your mission abroad” He crossed his arms looking at the Trill he adored. His lethal women.

“No it’s her.” Now that she was back on this ship it was okay to be in awe of the woman. “I would have never killed her in a million years.” For Dixoho to admit to not killing a person it wasn’t good.

Nathan’s face showed his confusion up until the moment that his wife’s words and the familiar face that was just on the tip of his tongue collided. “This isn’t good.” He said as he realized he was looking at the other universes’ version of the one and only Mrs. Gregnoll.

“What are you doing here Jeassaho?” Dixaho asked softly sounding a lot less aggressive. This woman or her alternative had been her friend, it had been brutal hearing her dying moments as they watched the planet burn.

“I was bundled up and put in here for the Captain,” Jeassaho said softly as she realised that the pair looked worried.

Nathan thought for a moment. He knew what he wanted to do, but he also wanted to live. He had many years of annoying Dixaho a head of him. Torn, he turned to his wife. “He is going to be pissed if he finds her here. What do we do?” He didn’t want to ask, but if there was one thing he knew; the wife was always right.

“Saa to Gregnol.” The woman said without hesitation to her commbadge making the woman spin around and look at her more. Dixoho refused to give up her surname despite three years of marriage.

“Gregnol here.” The voice responded and Jeassaho knew that if she hadn’t known better she would have thought it her husband.

“Me and my husband seem to be babysitting a present someone left in the wrong office.” She hissed sounding distasteful despite the terror that was on her face. The sound from the other end was deafening before the communication was cut. “I guess that means he is coming here.”

“Shit.” Nathan scoffed as he looked between his wife and door. “Well, I guess I should tell you that I love you, or something.” He teased never able to really take the situation seriously. It wasn’t like it helped, just made him paranoid.

Jeassaho sighed softly. She really didn’t want to meet this other version of her husband that people seemed to be terrified of. “You already have.” Dixoho commented on giving him the cold shoulder. The conversation from lunch time was still playing in her head and she didn’t like it had ended like it had at all and why she had come there less than an hour after it.

“Yeah, well.” Nathan started with a grin. “It seemed like the thing to say. Besides, pissing you off is kinda fun.” He added as he moved to sit on the couch. He might as well be out of the way when his boss barged into his office.

Dixoho just shot him a look that if looks could kill he would be dead on the floor from it. The woman shook her head and let the silence fall on them all before the Captain followed in with two bodyguards. He took one look at Dixoho before backhanding her to the floor making Jeassaho yell out which had the desired effect as the man who looked like he was going in to hurt the woman more stopped and turned his cold gaze onto her.

“You are lucky you look like her. No woman orders me.” The man said simply crossed the room to where she sat.

There was a war going on within Nathan. He had seen what the man could do and didn’t want to be on his bad side, but it was his wife that he had just knocked to the floor. Look at where Dixaho was sprawled on the floor his fists balled as he tipped forward to go after his Commanding Officer. However, there was something in the eyes of his wife that told, no begged him not to make it worse. For once he was going to listen to her. He cleared his throat as he closed the distance to put himself between the Captain and his wife. “It appears, D that notifying him was the correct decision. Good call.”

“It seems so,” Dixoho said with a growl as she wiped the blood from her mouth as she stood up again moving to where Nathan stood. She was relieved that he hasn’t made the situation worse.

“In that case, you can both leave me alone,” Gregnol said not even looking from the woman he now had captured and not able to escape.


Captain Reuben Gregnol
ISS Fenrir
(PNPC Gregnol)

Lieutenant Dixoho Saa
Chief Navigator
ISS Fenrir
(PNPC Gregnol)

Lieutenant Nathan Kline
Chief Operations
ISS Fenrir
(PNPC Belikov)


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