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A Ship to Transit Part 2 MISSION START

Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2019 @ 12:23pm by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Dixoho Saa (*) & Jasper Offermans & Chief Operations Kendra McIntyre & Chief Helmsman Eden Bowers & Alika Mahone
Edited on on Sat Aug 3rd, 2019 @ 8:13pm

Mission: Mission 10 - Temperance
Location: Main Bridge
Timeline: MD 01 07:30
1083 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Jasper watched as the two left and shook his head, "here we go," he muttered and then turned his attention back to the derelict. His eyes squinted as if he thought he could see it better by doing it, "should we tractor the thing?"

"It seems to be adrift with no propulsion," Kendra shrugged. "Do we need to stop it from hitting anything or running away?"

Eden entered the bridge again and took her seat, the other two should be shortly behind her. She glanced up at the viewscreen to see if anything had changed and then looked back at the others. "See! I'm still alive."

"Very good," Kendra nodded to her old friend. She nodded to the viewscreen to indicate the drifting Yeager. "What do you think about it?"

"That I wouldn't mind taking a look, sitting behind her helm and seeing what she could do. But I'm also a bit wary. You wouldn't think someone would abandon it unless something terrible had happened on board." Eden thought of the cloud monster and shuddered. She swallowed and looked at the others. "I'm willing to go though if you want me to."

"From what I've read, Starfleet abandoned a lot of ships after what they called the Dominion War," Kendra replied. Almost able to feel the difference in the ships, she added, "It would be a serious upgrade and we wouldn't have to worry about pirates anymore."

Jasper's head tilted at the idea, "so, you're thinking we could somehow make this ship work or add parts of it to this one to, upgrade it?" He shook his head, "we can take a look at it but how similar would the technology be?"

Gregnol came onto the Bridge in nearly something of a storm with Alika at his side. He was awake but he looked slightly grumpy but he was dressed in the new uniform. "What is happening? Bowers and Mahone said something about a ship?" He asked stopping as he saw the ship on the screen. "A Yeager?" The man wondered.

"A Yeager," Alika confirmed, flopping into one of the available seats. "An abandoned one that might need a little dusting off, but the going conversation is a possible appropriation of it. We'd have to see if the Starfleet designation numbers are still active, but I'm thinkin' not Boss Man."

Shaking her head to agree, Kendra piped in, "The IFF doesn't register the ship as Starfleet. Looks like a mothballed ship that forgot to be towed."

"So just to be clear. We're thinking of abandoning the Ishimura, I mean the Mary Rose and picking up this other starship that's just sitting out here in space for no apparent reason?" Eden asked, her eyes rather wide.

Alika looked over at Reuben, though she seemed intent on answering the question. "Ship's fallin' apart. If she works, she might work better than this ol' thing. If she doesn't, we could always gut 'er for parts."

To Jasper the ship he was currently on was new, at least it was. He shook his head not wanting to think about leaving behind his old home, his new home, whatever in exchange for a "bucket of bolts" they knew little if anything about. "If we do get this, Yeager, running again, how long do you think it would take, would parts be more readily available than they are for the Mary Rose?"

Not knowing the answer, Kendra gave a knowing look to Jasper. Not many people could say that they've lived in one place for almost 200 years and it was one of the only tangible links to her home time. A new ship would make them safer and would probably ensure better future jobs, but the Ishimura was home. She was torn.

"I guess it's best to do what's well . . . best for the crew." Eden replied, not thinking of a better word to use. She glanced at the others to see if they all were in agreement then.

Gregnol slumped in his chair a little more as he listened to the people around him trying to listen to all the points of view and what everyone was thinking. It was all too different. "No one decides anything or even considers packing up their stuff until all the senior crew members are spoken to and it is discussed properly." The man said putting a stop hopefully to the rapid-fire thoughts that they were all having.

Jasper nodded but his brow furrowed, "might I suggest sir that we take a look at the ship to see if it can even be fixed and if it is even a viable option?"

Gregnol looked at the man and raised an eyebrow at him. "It needs to be discussed properly." He repeated slowly. It was too early for his patients that day to be tested. He wasn't in the best of moods after barely sleeping the night before after trying to figure out the state of the ship with the Chief Engineer.

"Yes, sir," Replied Jasper in a low, subdued tone. He tapped a few controls on his conn but said no more.

"What should we do now?" Kendra asked. She knew that any and all discussion was ended, but they still had a job to do somewhere. "I can monitor comm traffic to see if we're the only ones out here," she offered.

"We should probably also ping any under the waves Starfleet ties and see if anyone's looking for a missing Yeager, just in case." Alika pointed out, "Never know when someone's going to pop up looking for their ship back. I've got a brother I can contact, I'll just have to be... discreet."

"Do it," Gregnol said to Alika nodding at her suggestion. "Definitely keep an eye on the comm traffic, someone try and see if we can work out where it has come through, work out its trajectory." He added as he moved over to the comms station and pressed a button opening a ship channel to everyone. "All senior crew to the observation lounge. All senior crew to the observation lounge," he said wanting them to see the ship for there own eyes.


Dixoho Saa
Chief Navigator
SS Mary Rose
(PNPC Gregnol)

Kendra McIntyre
Chief of Communications
SS Mary Rose

Eden Bowers
Chief Helmsmen
SS Mary Rose

Jasper Offerman
Operations Officer
SS Mary Rose

Alika Mahone
SS Mary Rose

Reuben Gregnol
SS Mary Rose


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