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La Bella Rosa

Posted on Wed Jul 20th, 2016 @ 1:34am by Captain Rueben Gregnol & Reessem Nubohn KIA (*)

Mission: Mission 2 - Contagion
Location: Deck 7 - La Bella Rosa
Timeline: Back post
1362 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

"A little further to the left," Amelia said. Her and her small staff had finally gotten all of her belongings aboard the ship, though not without issue. Much of the furniture she'd had shipped from her family's bordello on Earth had been stuck in customs, and, since it took her so long to get from her home on Heg'La to DS7, most of it had been shipped back. What little was still there, were some of the bigger, and far older items...such as the oak fainting couch they were currently trying to place.

"Madonna," said Rodrigo, one of her male employee's; "Why not just put in the center of the room? Its too beautiful to tuck away." The elder woman smiled at her younger staff; of course he would ask such a thing... he was the one moving the heavy piece.

"My dear figlio, it isn't just about how it looks... Anyone can decorate an ambiente, but what we must do is to enchant everyone who walks through our doors."

Reessem looked around the room unsure as she strode in with Rueben at her side. The man stopped dead letting his younger companion carry on for a few more moments before she realized he wasn’t following. The woman turned and looked at Rueben, she hadn’t in the last few days seen him wear anything that wasn’t black, it suited him with his stubble and grumpy attitude. Today, it was his old looking boots, combat trousers and a tee, he obviously left his battered up leather jacket behind some where.

“What is going on in here?” He wondered pinching the bridge of his nose.

The group turned to their newcomers, and Amelia grinned. "Salute, my dears! How are you doing, my sweet piacevole?" She asked, as she held her arms open for an embrace. The others behind her gave a subtle eye-roll and chuckle, though they were sure to have kept it to a minimum.

Rueben kept his distance but he let Reessem go into the woman's embrace as she said something subtle in Italian.

"What is going on? He will only keep asking until you answer," The young woman said in Italian before she stepped back beside the older man who looked all official even in civilian clothes.

Amelia chuckled as she released Reessem from her hold. "We're decorating my shop, signore...?" She quirked a brow as she realized that she hadn't been introduced to her young friend's escort.

"Shop?" He wondered looking at Reessem, she didn't look at all surprised or concerned.

"Barton hasn't told him," Reessem quickly hissed in Italian looking at the handsome man concerned about his reaction.

The hostess quirked a brow in surprise. "Oh my! How scorretto of me!" She clasped her hands together in apology. "I would have thought missere Harkins would have told you by now; I've arranged a deal with our lovely capitano. In exchange for passage for my family and myself, we would be allow to set-up a small bordello here aboard this gorgeous signora for both the crew to enjoy and for messere Harkins to use as did he put it?"

Rodrigo stepped around the furniture, joining the conversation. "I believe he called it a lounge, madame."

Goddam Barton... He thought glumly as he realised what Barton had sold one of the holds for. Well that was certainly going to make the trip interesting to say the least.

Amelia stepped forward, grasping a hold of Ruben's hand. "I hope this won't be a issue?"

"It's his ship." He looked at Reessem and pulled her closure to him. He wasn't having the young woman involved in a establishment like that, she was too young and innocent.

For a moment, Amelia seemed almost hurt at the outburst...almost. "Come now, mi amici; you must relax!" She said with her sensual tone seeping back into her voice. Smiling, she turned back to Rodrigo and with a clap of her hands and a mischievous wink, she called for him.

"Rodrigo, my piccolo, fetch us a bottle from my back room." She crossed her arms, accentuating her bust. "Bring us the 2301." The young man nodded, as he turned briskly before disappearing behind a set of curtains flowing in wisps of red and purple.

"I can’t relax at the moment.” The Russian said slightly annoyed that Barton was getting away with all these types of things because he knew that Rueben would catch everything before it became a problem. “2301... a good year." Rueben commented on not even looking remotely interested at the woman. It was his young secretary who looked at the older woman interested and grinned at her.

The Madame chuckled at the older man's reactions as she pulled a few glasses from a near-by table. "Esatto," she replied. Amelia smiled with a fond pride as she watched the young man carry the bottle as if it were a hallowed vessel. "It's a Nascu, to be fair, from the Villa di Semprevivo."

"Your home on Earth?" Rueben demanded softly. He needed to find out and compile a list of crew and passengers urgently. He wanted to know who was who urgently. Barton might have dodgy deals going here there and everywhere but Rueben was too honest to keep track.

The mistress chuckled as she sipped from her glass. "Si, in the town of Neuvo Montegerno." Feigning homesickness, she took a seat on one of the near-by chairs. "A piacevole village in the mediterraneo island Sardegna. One of the oldest working wineries on the sea." The sarcasm dripping from her voice was undeniable, but there was something else in there... Something which spoke of an odd sort of respect.

Rueben shrugged at Reessem, he couldn't care less but the young secutary looked intrigued by the woman's words. She was hanging onto every word, he rolled his eyes believing the barely adult was very interested in this woman to say the least. He would need to fix this situation quickly, he really didn't like the thought of the woman interested in this madame

"Fair enough." He said simply.

"Sounds nice." Reessem said smiling ignoring Rueben's look of dismay.

Giving the pair a limp flick of her wrist, Amelia shook her head as she crossed her arms. "It's lost its charm to me," she replied. Setting her glass atop the base of a near-by statuette in an attempt to hide the sorrow in her eyes, she continued. "The planetary governo disbanded my famiglie bordello after the end of the Dominion Guerra. My padrino, who owns the villa did save it, but that castello is nothing more than a shell of its former self."

"Happened everywhere." Rueben confirmed thinking of his fathers business that was sacrificed for the war effort.

"Madame, there's an incoming message for you from the Starbase," interrupted one of the girls. Amelia turned to the much younger lady, and gave her a brisk glance. "It's from a seniore Enzo. He..." She seemed unsure of herself for a moment; "He, wishes to speak with you about an incident-"

"Ah! Of course!" She said, raising a dismissive hand. "Tell him to wait. I'll be there soon." The lady nodded as she when trodding off behind the curtain. Amelia turned back to the group.

"Scusa," she said with an apologetic glean in her eyes. "But duty calls." Grabbing her glass as she stood, she gave the pair a careful nod.

Rueben smiled politely but didn't say anything as Reessem said something in Italian about it not being a problem.

"Please, feel free to enjoy my sitting room...such as it is." Rueben shrugged it away. He had other things to get on with but he would leave Reessem to enjoy the sitting room and possibly enjoy the company even with his uncertainty over the woman and the bordello that Barton was allowing her to run.


Reessem Nubohn
SS Mary Rose

Rueben Gregnol
Executive Officer
SS Mary Rose

Amelia da Semprevivo,
Ship's Madame/Owner La Bella Rosa,
SS Mary Rose


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