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No Match For The Boys In Blue

Posted on Tue Jul 27th, 2021 @ 7:20pm by Ka'see 'Cassie' Anderson (*) & Isaac Nicoli Dr. & Micheal Robertson & Beya & Oliver Lucas

Mission: Mission 13: Stowaway
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 08 23:30
2721 words - 5.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Cassie had stood up instantly from the deep sleep she had been as the alarm rang out across the medical bay where she had fallen asleep trying to work out how to get through to Johnathan. She looked up at the comms panel but no other announcement came through to inform anyone what was going on other than intruder alert to inform them on what to do. It was standard practice.

“That is highly unusual. Gregnol or Ford normally speaks and tells us to go to duty stations or…. Something.” The woman said to anyone who was listening and wondering the same thing. Any alarm from the bridge had an announcement alongside the computer voice.

Beya frowned. "They might be ...occupied at the moment," she noted, moving to get supplies ready - in her experience boarders almost always meant casualties. She paused as her eyes fell on their newest patient. Normally attackers wouldn't strike a medbay, but this time... "We should get Persis out of sight, and set someone to guard her."

"The quarantine chamber has hermetic seals," Oliver suggested. "Anyone would be safer behind those isolation fields, for sure. There's not a lot of room, though."

Johnathan was awakened by the loud klaxon. He instantly looked for his angel and the other two nice people who had been treating him gently. "Ka'see?" He called out. "D-d-danger....?" He said a new word aloud as he looked for her.

“Or the morgue.” Cassie piped up with a shrug thinking about the space. It was a good suggestion from Oliver no one ever looked in the quarantine chamber and her suggestion was just as valid as neither were normally used. "Yes, trouble." She muttered. She just did not know what kind of trouble that was about to hit them.

"H-h-help...Ka'see." Johnathan wanted to protect his angle. If only he could touch her, something inside told him that it was important to touch her.

"What's up with him? Is he delirious?" Oliver wondered, eying their patient. He glanced at Beya. "We might need to get a stimulant to keep him coherent."

Beya paused in her preparations. Overall she was a lot more concerned with how to defend medbay than with one restrained patient's lack of coherent expression, especially one who was restrained because he was a danger to himself and others. "Honestly, I think he's already agitated, so sedation would make more sense than a stimulant - at least until the borders are gone."

Johnathan closed his eyes hard and seemed to be concentrating. Finally, after a few beats, he forced out the words, "H-h-h-husband.....hel-help.....w-w-w-wife!" He had to catch his breath afterwards, the struggle to connect his words seeming to be strenuous.

Cassie looked at Beya and nodded her mind was not on the man at all as they had to work out how to defend the place. "Do what you need to. I am going to find something to defend ourselves with." She murmured glancing back at the man as her muscle memory kicked in from a time when she was a lot more battle-ready.

Issac had been in his quarters when the alert had sounded. He frowned, they were a cargo ship who on earth would target a cargo ship... the thought trailed off He sighed and realized that there were plenty of people who would like to target this ship. He pulled on his uniform jacket, and his fleet commbadge, he didn't like the civilian implants and he hadn't found a civilian badge that was as good as his fleet one, but he did conceal it under his jacket. He grabbed the phaser he had brought with him... and paused to consider just how much equipment they had pilfered when he came here. But given how he had come to leave the last posting he had little worry! Anyway, armed and clothed Isaac quick walked through the ship to medical. Checking his corners just as his wife had shown him. She had decided early on that she would teach him the very thing he needed to survive.

A few moments later, and with no targets to shoot at he arrived in sickbay. He peeped around the door just as Cassie came striding towards him, with purpose. "Ah, Miss Anderson," he said stepping in through the threshold and allowed the door to close behind him, pressing the controls to lock it from the inside.

"Anyone aware of the purpose of this alert?"

Cassie leveled the man with a look as he stood there armed but did not seem to know why he was armed. "It is the intruder alert but we have had no more information," Cassie commented as she ran her hand along the wall as if she was looking for something specific.

"It could be a drill, but with the news of that marauder out there we can't take the risk." Oliver started shifting Persis' mobile biobed towards the rear section of the infirmary, motioning that Beya could pick up the mumbling one.

"Not a drill and you know it, Oliver," Cassie commented pressing the panel revealing a hidden locker. She glanced back and at everyone. "Older than all of you combined." She reminded softly pulling out a small box. "And Starfleet ships do not change much." She mused as someone heavy bounded against the door.

"Come out little Persis we know you are in there." A laughing voice called through the door.

Oliver immediately motioned for them to lower their voices and seek some sort of cover. He was almost to the quarantine chamber; just a few more feet and he was safe - but the others were scattered and might not reach it as quickly. He gestured urgently, trying to encourage them to move.

Isaac spun around and leveled the phaser, pointing it at the door. Then thought better and repositioned himself so that was in cover and not obvious from anyone who entered through the door. "Cassie, hand those out and get into cover," he whispered. He set his Phaser for heavy stun and wide dispersal. So far he had tried to keep to himself aboard the ship. Treating those who came through the doors and more or less trying to stay out the way otherwise.

Feeling the tone of the room and seeing that his Angel was getting ready for some kind of fight, Johnathen started to growl like a guard dog. "!!" He hissed angrily.

"Doc said to be quiet," Beya whispered urgently and pulled out a hypo. She didn't like medicating the man without the doctor ordering it, but if he was going to be like this there would be no choice. "Settle down or I'll settle you down."

Johnathan shrunk away from the hypo, well, as much as he could shrink away. "N-n-no.....p-p-p-p-pain....." He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate.

Finally, he reopened his eyes and spoke. ""
He took another breath and continued. "" He gently shook the binds that were holding him. Looking at Beya, he said, a look of pleading in his eyes. "Please...B-B-Beya! can!"

Men. "I think your wife can protect herself just fine," Beya assured, thinking that Cassie was more likely to be protecting him, given his current state. She didn't say it though - he was obviously trying and very distraught about not being able to step up and help. Normally she'd try to comfort someone in his position, soothe and calm them down, but they're just wasn't time right now. "If you want to help, stay quiet and still and don't draw attention to us in here."

"Probably too late for that," Oliver muttered, annoyed in himself that these people seemed intent on fighting rather than hiding. He didn't like guns. He wouldn't take one, even if offered. "We don't know what's coming, we should get in the chamber!" he hissed.

"Far too late and I can very much take care of myself. All of you shut up." Cassie said as she tried to listen intently to what was outside. "Sounds like three people." She whispered to herself more than anyone else.

Only three? A slow smile formed on Beya's lips. She may not have learned enough medicine on her uncle's ship to qualify as a doctor, but the ship's doctor had drilled into her that if looked at the right way, medbay was practically an arsenal. "How much anesthezine gas do we have?" she whispered. "Once we're inside we can let them in and flood the bay," she explained, pointing to the quarantine chamber, which was self-contained, and at the vents in medbay.

Isaac half shrugged "Not nearly enough to do the job," he said quietly "Three shouldn't be a problem." But the point was mute, the door opened, being pulled apart by two pairs of hands. He considered firing into the widening gap blindly but there was no saying he would hit anyone, and worse they would know that someone was armed and where the shooter was. He waited, really hoping that they didn't process any grenades upon their person. This would really mess up their day.

"Take him," Beya whispered, shoving Jonathan's bed at Oliver. She grabbed one of the hypos she'd prepared in case he needed to be quickly sedated and a laser scalpel as she rushed with a dancer's gliding run toward the wall nearest the door. She slid along it, poised to act as soon as they came through. Noting the doctor with his phaser trained on the door, she waited - in her experience, human doctors could rarely hit the broadside of Borg cube and she didn't want to wind up collateral damage - but gave him a brief nod to let him know she was ready to take on whomever he missed.

He kept his fire as they came in. Making sure that there were only three of them before taking aim and firing a tight beam, set on heavy stun. The beam slammed into the figure in the center of the trio, lifting them up and off their feet and throwing them into the bulkhead behind them. They folded as they slid to the floor! Keeping his head down and moved from the doorway of his office, moving around his desk keeping his head down as he passed the window. If the others had their wits about them they would use this distraction to make their own attacks Isaac was now at the other door, he set his phaser to a wide cone setting preparing to dart around the door frame to open fire and hoping he could hit them before they hit him.

The other two hesitated a moment when their man was hit but then burst through the door - one high, one low - both firing.

The man going low had a fraction of a second to register a shapely green leg before a hypo was slammed into his neck and everything went dark. Beya gripped the laser scalpel as the other turned toward her, disruptor leveled. The Orion physician's oath wasn't 'Do no harm'; it was 'Guard the patient's life. She wasn't a doctor - yet - but that didn't mean she would shy from following it. The disrupted bolt seared along her shoulder as she dodged in, nearly spinning away from her with its force, but she hit flesh with the scalpel and pushed forward, driving it deeper.

Cassie moved forward as the phaser went across her shoulder even as the scalpel went in. She aimed her phaser and stunned the man that has gone high. Her training with Ryder obviously had not gone to waste after all. “You okay?” She demanded quickly off Bela and Isaac trying to listen for any more out there

"Thanks," Beya said through clenched teeth as she examined her own blackened shoulder. "Hurts like the blazes, but the blast cauterized the wound. I can fight if more come."

"Well that is something," Cassie commented.

"You people are insane!" Oliver yelled back, his head ducked low behind two biobeds carrying patients.

Johnathen had been quiet during the fight, though he had tried to break free of his binds. He actually started to weaken the one on his right wrist some. "O-o-o-o-oliv-v-ver.....shhhhhhh...."

"I am not insane," Cassie said shortly knowing her own mind and what was needed from her and the others. She had been held on a mental health ward on the Ishimura after the spore incident and she was nowhere near that sick. She hoped to never ever go through that type of psychosis ever again, it had torn her apart and she had been lucky for Ryder being there and sitting outside her isolation ward for days to make sure the spores flushed out her system to allow her to come back to her senses.

Beya nodded firmly. "I'm not either. I'm defending our patients the way I was taught to."

"I also firmly believe that saying that about someone is quite poor manners," Cassie commented as she slowly started to move towards the door. She was more self-aware that she would be fine. "Doctor want to come with me and check things out?" She wondered from the other former Starfleet officer. He would be a good partner to check out everything that was occurring. Starfleet even 150 years apart was still Starfleet.

Nicoli nodded and followed the young women. He still had his Phaser to hand but also snagged a medical kit on his way out. There might be people in need. That said he did stop at the trio in the doorway to make sure that the three they had downed were still alive before hurrying to catch up with Cassie, "You handle yourself well. Did you have training?"

"We won't be long. Keep out of trouble." Cassie said wondering how she had become the calm one in all of this. She spoke with quick and concise words looking at Beya pointedly and indicated that Oliver should look at Beya shoulder. The corridor was quiet and her Vulcan hearing could not hear anything. "I was Starfleet before your grandfather was even born," Cassie said softly thinking that Gregnol might not have told the new Doctor about the crew that was from 2246. "Some people on board are not from this time. Some of us are from the crew that first served on this ship." She admitted as the ship shook a little making her hold the wall for a moment.

"Huh, The Captain might have forgotten to mention that" he wondered if these people had been debriefed by DTI. Either way, he had bigger things to deal with than the headache that was DTI in general. He did decide that he would get to know more about the former crew.

"Does not seem like there are any more on this deck," Cassie announced narrowing her eyes at the doctor to see if he agreed or disagreed.

"Nothing that I can hear" he knelt down and pulled the tricorder daftly from under his open jacket. Doing a quick scan. "There are life readings elsewhere on this deck" he started "However none that are moving freely around. It was difficult to tell life signs apart for some reason. "I can't get clear readings though so I can't pinpoint possible intruders. You know the ship better than I, what's your suggestion for our next move?"

Cassie smirked just a little at the Captain forgetting about them. He would not have done it purposely more a slip of the mind as they were doing so well acclimatising to the year especially after the shatter verse and the two years since the release from the transporter. She took the tricorder. "I will tell you all about it another time."

"It is over. The ship is back under our control." A breathless voice that sounded like Curtis or Angel announced over the intercom. "Our next move is to go back and wait for medical issues I suspect," Cassie said with a nod. It was a logical step.

With a sigh, Issac spun and headed right back to his sickbay. Once he was there he did keep his Phaser handy as he had no intention of giving that up any time soon.


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