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Can I Play Medical?

Posted on Wed Jul 26th, 2023 @ 1:34pm by Dr. Izriel "Jaxx" Lonn & Evelyn Reynolds & Maras (*)

Mission: Fractures
Location: Sickbay
2577 words - 5.2 OF Standard Post Measure

As Mara approached the sickbay, her mind buzzed with anticipation. She had heard whispers of training opportunities within the medical department, and she was determined to seize them if they were there like Burnie had suggested. As the doors slid open, she stepped into the sterile environment, greeted by the scent of disinfectant and the soft hum of medical equipment. She hoped to expand her knowledge, gain new skills, and contribute to the ship in some form but humanities were not really needed. The possibilities that lay ahead filled her with a renewed sense of purpose even as she called out a hello to see if anyone was around.

As it happened, two anyones were around, with a possibility of three if one counted Oliver's developing habit of drifting into the background any time the new surgeon monopolised the medical chief's attention. Compared to the same time the previous year, the medical staff on board had seen a significant increase in both numbers and morale. The more Evelyn heard about where the captain intended to lead his crew, the more she was convinced that she probably hadn't pushed enough for greater expertise and experience to round out her staff but she had a surgeon and she was currently in the midst of a shift handover. Almost in unison, both heads lifted at the sound of entry and the young hybrid was greeted by the curious yet somewhat distracted stare of two hyper-fixated physicians.

Evelyn eventually spoke first.

"Hello, come in. No need to hang near the door. Did you need medical assistance?"

Maras stepped in listening to the swish of her dress as she moved in the room and the door closed behind her not allowing her to back out. “No I do not need medical support I…” She had not meant to come and have to deal with both of the trained doctors onboard. “Well… I am looking for a purpose onboard and wondered about opportunities in medical.” She said quickly to get it out there.

Normally without any intention, Evelyn had a natural tendency to be a little intimidating when shrouded by her professional veneer. Her raised eyebrows were not intended to convey any disdain for the query, merely a very genuine surprise to find herself with another prospective student. She'd not long got done telling Lonn that the entire crew were long overdue basic first aid training but she hadn't considered taking on more interns specifically. Behind her, the Betazoid quietly set aside the notes they'd been discussing and picked up another padd. It was technically the start of his shift but letting Reynolds deal with this made more sense.

"Well, we're certainly inclined to support people who want to learn. Do you have any experience... I'm sorry, I don't know your name."

Well, that was a question and a half. She had done basic first aid but it had been years since she had used it properly. “I do not overly other than basic first aid.” She admitted hoping that did not go against her compared to the others onboard. “I did it when I started at the Humanities Center.” She stepped forward a little more and held out her hand to shake. “Maras.”

Reynolds shook the hand after a brief pause to reflect on the woman's familiarity with the custom, and then gestured towards her office. "Come in and take a seat, we can talk about what you're interested in." It wasn't a commitment yet, or any sort of agreement, Evelyn was far too cautious and methodical for that. She was interested, nevertheless, to hear the young woman out.

Maras nodded and followed into the small space that somehow managed to fit them all in. The door stayed open but Maras found herself sitting in from of the head doctor feeling like she was sitting in from of the director of the humanities centre when the conversation happened where she had been washed out to get herself together. "I am just interested in finding a purpose instead of just being a passenger or a burden." She knew she was not a burden to Cassie but it was still a feeling that was bouncing around her head.

Moving in behind, Evelyn left the door open, an invitation for Lonn to contribute if he saw fit, and moved around to the other side of her desk to squeeze in behind it. "All right, let me just establish a baseline understanding of what's currently going on with the ship's medical department," she started, not unkindly but with a sense of authority that Evie didn't always manage well, mostly because she wasn't entirely aware of it. "I am undertaking, along with our two long-standing medics, to bring their official accreditation in line with their current responsibilities. The organisation around it has been quite specific to their individual circumstances and doesn't really constitute an open-slather approach to on-site educational practises."

Studying the young woman's face for a moment, Reynold's features softened. She knew only too well the sensation of feeling like a loose leaf offering nothing of value to the overall organism. "That being said, depending on your expectations, there are still roles that would suit a junior intern." The doctor smiled, which instantly made her look both younger and infinitely more approachable. "I'm entirely without a med tech, for instance, which is a terrible situation for an epidemiologist to find themselves in."

“ I did not come here with any expectations.” She assured quickly. She had not come there expecting anything after being turned down everywhere else other than what Burnie had called the grotto. “I am not suitable for other departments on board the ship and someone suggested we come and speak to you as I have skills like cataloguing and stock take it. But what would a med technician actually do?” She asked wondering what it would all involve.

"Stocktaking is certainly part of it," Evelyn agreed. "In terms of medical supplies, it's quite a responsibility and one I'd be happy to work with you on." It wasn't, of course, just a matter of making sure they didn't run out of bandages. The medical chief had already given some thought to how they were going to manage an adequate monitoring system of expiry dates and functionality tests. "There are a lot of components that go into maintaining a medical facility that meets standards, it certainly wouldn't hinder us to have someone willing to accept responsibility for overseeing ordering, storage and upkeep."

"It sounds like something I could do. Operations but not Operations." Maras decided quickly. It sounded like a role that she could very much do. She had not enjoyed the Bridge role but this might work.

"Beyond that, and if you decided you were interested in pursuing something with an element of study behind it, we are currently lacking any dedicated pathology unit. That's not an immediate concern, since that area of care will fall under my responsibility, but another pair of hands in the lab is always helpful." Evelyn smiled again. This was, she realised, perhaps a better solution than badgering Gregnol yet again for more staff, which wasn't feasible really. Not for the first time, the ex-Starfleet scientist felt a surge of purpose, particularly as this line of mentorship would tap directly into her specialisation.

Maras nodded. It sounded like a place where she could start small and then grow as she got more comfortable with things. She wanted something to work towards and that sounded right up her street instead of just jumping into something. "It sounds like something I could start small with and grow with?"

Reynolds dipped her head in partial agreement with the summary. "Small-ish." The doctor's eyebrows raised in amusement. "I don't want you to underestimate just how much stock we're currently carrying. The Captain's recent commitment to overhauling operations on board came with a sizeable budget for medical that we've put to good use."

“I do not underestimate anything. I m very lucky to be sat here able to discuss everything with you.” Maras responded. Vulcans did not suffer fools as her grandfather used to say often to her when she did something gullible or foolish that would not have been done by a Vulcan child. “I want to earn my keep and find a new role for myself.”

Evelyn glanced at the chronometer. "I am about to head off-duty, which would normally not deter me but I have a dinner appointment to keep." And, since she'd already postponed it once, it seemed impolite to attempt it again. For obvious reasons, Jake was keen for Evelyn to get to know Cassie and the last thing the doctor wished to convey was a lack of interest. "If you would like, I can introduce you to Dr. Lonn. He's only just joined us but I'm sure he wouldn't mind some company for a while."

Maras moved up from the chair and look to the chronometer herself. “That’s okay, I can come back tomorrow or whenever logi...” she started to explain. “Or that.” She agreed thinking back to the man who had waited outside. She had no plans for the evening other than a book and bed so that worked.

Leading the way back through the open door, Evelyn turned back to beckon Maras forward and spoke up. "Izriel, this is Maras. News of our imminent departmental supremacy evidently travels fast." The blonde's lips twitched. "She has interest in training as a med tech."

Glancing up from the terminal he'd been studying, the Betazoid cast his gaze between the pair before his eyes softened into a smile that only partially readjusted his lips. "You jest, but I am starting to suspect you have aspirations as yet unchallenged. It's lovely to meet you, Maras," he added, marshalling his good humour to avoid smirking at Reynold's deadpan. "Though I just got here myself, I can certainly vouch that this is a warm and welcoming staff who are probably not trying to take over the ship."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Evelyn declared on her way out the door.

Jaxx stared after her, lips pursed. "I think she's just pleased to have the extra help."

“Well I have been looking for something to do so this works for me if you are both happy with me being here and my work.” Maras explained. “I have been staying with my family member but the situation is slowly becoming something I feel ready to take a step from now that things have settled down.”

"A young woman in search of independence, this certainly seems like a good place to start." Picking up a padd full of things Reynolds had left him to deal with overnight, Lonn moved to the nearby biobed and tapped several buttons to put it into recalibration mode. "Is your family member on board, Maras?" He hadn't met even a quarter of the crew yet but he'd read most of their medical files.

“Yes Cassie. Works in Operations.” Maras explained knowing that she was one of the most well known on the ship's facts to being part of the original crew. “Do you know her?”

Jaxx considered the question thoughtfully for a moment. "I've not met many of the crew yet," he explained. "So I don't believe I've spoken to her but I have encountered her file, at least." Confidentiality kicked in and he made no comment of the woman's unique situation. "This seems quite the ship for family connections, actually."

“There are many?” Maras has not realised past the Captain, Captain's wife and her brother but much like him, she had not met everyone after being onboard for three months or so.

"I suppose it depends on how far you extend the definition of family." Continuing to move around, the telepath cast glances over once in a while to remain courteous, which was a considerable improvement for a man known to become thoroughly absorbed in even mundane tasks. "I have known the Keas since before Leiddem was born, Doctor Reynolds seems to have some past association with our Executive Officer, and I believe at least two of the crew are recently married."

Maras nodded. "I guess that does depend on your definition." She decided slowly thinking about things. "Nollel and Michael are the ones that got married." She offered seeing he most likely did not know them whilst she did and liked the pair of them. They were both kind and that went a long way when she had first come onboard.

"I really need to get around to meeting more of the crew," came the response, someone distracted by the squint of scrutiny being levelled at the file on screen. "You sound like you're managing well though, have you been here long?"

"Since Hysperia so about three months," Maras explained counting up quickly the time she had spent onboard. It sometimes felt like a dream being so far from Vulcan, her father and her brother and sister. It felt like for the first time she was spreading out her wings but it felt unreal and the path that had led to it.

"And how are you finding it so far?" It was polite chatter, or would have been had it come from someone else. In Lonn's case, having studied medicine in purely telepathic settings, there was an aspect to his bedside manner that was provocative in the sense that not all responses were verbal. Vulcan minds were a challenge to interpret, even those with partial inheritance, but loneliness was something he'd always been particular adept at screening for. Far too much shared empathy for him to miss the signs of a kindred recluse.

Maras was not sure how to answer that for a moment before she inclined her head and nodded to herself that she had come to a good answer. “Different. I was in a bad place before I left Earth and I feel ready now to keep moving forward.” It was difficult to explain fully but there she was trying at the very least.

The Betazoid's gaze flicked over again. If nothing else, Gregnol's ship seemed to have a knack for attracting lost souls on the run from dark shadows. "Is Earth home then?" It didn't do to jump to conclusions.

“For the last couple of years, yes. Before that it was a Vulcan colony. Betazed for you?” She asked back asking about him back as that was what you did in conversations.

"Quite extensively, yes." Lonn smiled to himself as he continued to tap away at his screen. "To such an extent that you might consider this my first proper sleepover." Taking the padd, he moved again, towards one of the instrument trays in order to rummage for the tool he was setting up to calibrate next. "I can count the amount of times I've travelled off-world on one hand, so this is quite likely to be an insightful experience, if nothing else."

As he moved Maras watched the process and what instruments was being used to do what. What he was saying was very interesting from her point of view. “Big change for you then? Very different from the normal for you then.” She surmised with a nod.

"For both of us, I'm sure."

Reaching out, Lonn offered the young recruit the instrument he was holding and smiled. "Now, how about I show you how to calibrate a standard issue medkit?"


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