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Return to the fight MISSION END

Posted on Mon May 20th, 2024 @ 8:02pm by Leiddem Kea (*) & Nollel Livaam (*) & Captain Rueben Gregnol & Executive Officer Jake Ford & Delaney O'Callaghan & Teresa Forrest & Chief Engineer Michael Burnstein & Chief Comms Rivek & Chief Helmsman Kalahaeia t'Leiya & Chief Armoury Rormu Yazlin

Mission: Fractures
Location: Bridge / Engineer
Timeline: Present
1078 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Gregnol's heart pounded in his chest as he blinked in disbelief at the white light disappearing around him and he found himself standing exactly where he had seconds before he had started the back and forth between different times. His gaze darted around, taking in the scene with a mix of relief and trepidation. He looked up at the screen and realised they were exactly where they had been moments before in the fight with the Temperance.

"We're back to where we were." He said as his fingers froze across the controls where they had been attempting to access the data on the EPS grid.

He glanced up as Nollel and a group bounded onto the bridge. "You are back." She said triumphantly before her face turned to see the Temperance stalking them and the others around the base instead of being frozen. Relief flooded Gregnol at the sight of her and the chief engineer no longer unconscious.

"Yes. But I should be in engineering," Burnie said, giving Nollel's hand a quick squeeze as he turned back toward the turbolift. "We need to get weapons back online."

Standing with both hands held upwards, splayed as if in defeat though in actual fact it was mostly an excuse to take a moment to gather her wits, Delaney winced as the ringing in her ears threatened a new wave of disorientation. Jostled slightly as Leiddem moved past to access the security console, the redhead roused and unceremoniously sat herself down at the seat to support him, which seemed a better option than falling face-first into an instrument panel. "Shields are holding for now."

"Status of the Temperance? And the Thrai?" Jake asked, trying to regain some semblance of equilibrium.

Rivek moved to his console and threw in his earpiece. "Communications are back up, but it's spotty," Rivek said, adjusting the frequency on his console. "I'm picking up scattered transmissions from the Temperance. It seems like they're still engaged. No word from the Thrai yet, I'm trying to establish a secure channel to them."

As the comms chief tried to establish communications several bursts of conversation came from the console of "Secure Nyx", "Get Nyx Away from here" and "When did Gregnol's crew get an upgrade". Gregnol glanced over but said nothing about the comments as it had been what he had been counting on to surprise the Temperance.

"Get the Thrai quickly." Gregnol ordered as he glanced as the EPS relays that were not holding again thanks to Engineering magic. "T'Leiya get in there and under them." He added.


Down in engineering, Liha found herself back where she had been. A glance at the console showed the time and stardate to be when everything had gone sideways and everything around her looked as she recalled it at that moment - except there was no sign of Burnie. Fvadt. What time stream did I land in now?

"Status!" she barked, head snapping around to the nearest engineer.

Jeassaho looked up from where she had been fighting to get their EPS grid back online. "2 seconds." She called back as she rearranged a few chips and the board lit up correctly. Thank goddess she had started the job before they had gotten lost in time and that she was an engineer who thrived under pressure. "Try now." She ordered.

"Yeah, that got it!" Cami called out from the other side of the warp core. "We're definitely not going to blow up. At least...not in the next half hour..."

The turbolift doors opened and Burnie dashed out, barely pausing as he went to his station. "Weapons status? I don't know what happened while we were that time bubble, but the Temperence is engaging."

"Burnie!" Liha's brows shot upward in surprise, a smile breaking through to see her friend conscious and functioning. And then, as his last words registered, the smile grew wider and much more Romulan. "They won't engage for long," she laughed. "You're going to love this!"

Tapping her comm with one hand, Liha typed in a code with the other. "Liha to Bridge. Kali, if you're there, have comms transmit this trigger."


Gregnol looked up from the Operations console as it sparked making him swat at it as he heard Liha's voice across the bridge. "What have you done?" He demanded quickly. It was his bridge and any instructions came from him and not Liha without some type of communication.

"One of the time shifts took us back to when you guys were apparently fighting this same ship before. We took the opportunity to plant some remote detonated stuff over there; to be able to now trigger it back in the present fight." The ship shook again as it was often hard to keep something as big as a full-sized starship out of all crossfire no matter how good one's evasives were. "Borrowed some stuff from Burnie's quarters; I'd suggest we trigger it quickly." Kali pointedly did not take her eyes off her controls to look at Gregnol, or for that matter at Rivek, who she was hoping would transmit the signal once cleared to; the immediate concern of 'not becoming space dust' wouldn't allow for it.

Gregnol looked confused for a moment before he glanced at Ford. "We will discuss this later." He commented as the ship shook again. He turned to Rivek and nodded. "Do it." He would deal with the ramifications of it all later, the Temperance had been given options to back off and they had refused.

Rivek pushed out the signal across all frequencies at full blast. Whether or not the Temperance had their ears open, the trigger was pulled. "Signal sent," Rivek said from his station. He turned on his seat to look at the viewscreen to see the effects of the broadcast.

There was a flash as if from a glancing weapon hit near pylon at the port nacelle, except that it seemed to have come from within since a gout of plasma erupted from the spot. And then BOOM - a massive explosion that took the nacelle from the ship and sent secondary explosions ripping through its aft hull.

"YES!" Burnie's whooping cheer carries clearly from down in engineering. "Good work! That's what I should have done years ago!" It wasn't difficult to imagine him down there high-fiving Liha and everyone around him.


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